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I know thats what I thought too... Talking to a lady like that
I am doing well. I went diving last weekend and had two kick ass shore dives. The surf was sporty. Then on Sunday did a solo dive at Vortex for 70 minutes practicing skills. I am still trying to practice everything I learned in intro cave class. How long have you been cave diving B?
For about 4 years i am not telling you not to do it because i know you and i knkow you can handle it... But one little mistake will and can cost you dearly.
I am in no hurry to go to the next level. I don't want to push it. I just want to feel comfortable at the level I am at now. Because every dive is different, even in the same cave, there is so much to learn. I guess controlling buoyancy is what I have the most problem with. Even the problems I have with reels is due to me not being able to stay neutral in the water.
yep, you need control remember weekie you need to find someplace with no flow and not so deep so you can get yourself just a few inches off the bottom and then control your buoyancy with your breathing and remember to just have fun and relax
Yes. LOL. The flow kept blowing me back while I was trying to take a peek in the opening. :D I got tickled. I remember asking you how anyone could climb down in that with the flow as strong as it was. That was long before I even thought about doing it.
you need to find someplace with no flow and not so deep so you can get yourself just a few inches off the bottom and then control your buoyancy with your breathing and remember to just have fun and relax

That is what I did Sunday at Vortex. One thing is the new equipment and configuration. Using a LP steel 95 in fresh water I don't need any additional weight. That puts all my weight on my back which keeps me horizontal. But Sunday my feet wanted to float. I had my knees bent and was doing the frog kicks but for some reason my head wanted to tilt downward and me turn upside down. I tried moving the tank so that is would be lower and I moved it as low as it would go on the transpac but I still had the same problem but not quite as bad. I had to continue to kick my feet when hovering to keep from standing on my head?
A team of divers just pushed 403ft in there. They were about 1000 ft from the twin d's on the other side of 19. They were in deco for like 8 to 9 hours

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