Jupiter-June 13th

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Columbia, Mo
A few of us from the Villages Scuba Club are going on the Blue Tang in Jupiter on June 13th. for a two tank morning dive. Arrangements are made through C&N Divers in Mt.Dora. Sorry I don't have the phone number handy.

Considering it. My wife has informed me that I might be allowed to do this as Father's Day is not to far off.
I hope you can. So far we have 8 people from our club signed up. That's a big turnout.
It's a very nice drift dive.

If it is the reef I have drift dove once before, it most definitely is a good dive. Depths were ~ 80' max, as I recall, the reef had a lot of profile, & marine life was abundant. I am tentatively planning on/looking forward to it.
Dang, Smoke Aire!! I would LOVE to join you guys...still haven't dove up towards Jupiter, but I have to be on call for work that morning.....if you guys plan to do lunch before heading out, let me know; I may be able to meet up with you.
Sorry you can't make it, looking forward to meet you. "On Call"? Nurse, cop? Ok.....HR on call...?
Yes, Hope you can meet us for lunch. I think the place is called the Crab Shack, a cliched looking maritime restuarant. I'll double check on the name of the place and for the directions.
HR on call?......can't skip out and dive with us......we are Sooooo cute.

I was told the place is called the Crab House.
I've also been told that the boat is now full. 8 of us from the Villages Scuba Club and 3 others probably from C&N dive shop, 11 total.
Scubafool did you get on?

Naw, sorry :frown: :frown: . I can't commit at this point. But SmokeAire is SOOOO cute, Krista!

Have fun, & wish I was there.

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