June 5 or 6?

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Give me a hint how to get there and when to be there and I will join you. One tank or three is fine with me. Never been in FtL before so need directions if you don't mind.

Will be in town through next Friday and would be happy to go anytime there is interest.

Give me a hint how to get there and when to be there and I will join you. One tank or three is fine with me. Never been in FtL before so need directions if you don't mind.

Will be in town through next Friday and would be happy to go anytime there is interest.

Hi chuck
I don't know where you are coming from, so.. this is pretty general...
I-95 to Commerical Blvd. East, over the intercoastal bridge (I think its the only bridge on that stretch of road) to the second light which is El Mar. Make a right. Hibiscus is the second left. Pull into the lot there. Not much parking, so you might have to dump gear and then park. Bring quarters, they like to ticket!
Krista & Walter are here now- we're going in about 9-9:30 AM. Come on down!! We're going to breakfast now so post or PM & I'll check when we get back. Sorry about the lack of communication- working & partying yesterday!!!
As always I had a blast. Marvel you are absolutely MARVELOUS! Enjoyed everyones company. Looking forward to the next time.

Did someone mention something about organizing the opening of Mini season?

What? Huh? :eyebrow:
I just spoke to Mike and we're meeting outside his place on Hibiscus at 7:30am. We'll see anyone else who's game then.

Hey Everybody!
Just a quick note. We had a blast today, our last dive ended round 9:30pm...so I will post a trip report tomorrow, after some sleep. Anyways, Chuck41 is gonna be there at 7am as is Walter. Just wanted those that have internet access to look for those that don't...
Have fun! I am planning on diving later on in the afternoon with Chuck, Marvel and Walter... Anybody want to join us then?
Oh yeah, whats the deal with the mini season?
Oliver, Great pics, You are really improving!
Had a great day diving today from Hibiscus. The ocean was pond flat, and there was no current out there at all.

The first dive was with Mike and Walter. A personal best bottom time of 85 minutes, we finned from Hibiscus to the Anglin Pier at Commercial and back. You can tell it's spring, there were tons of juveniles of all species all over the reef. We swam with a school of look downs under the pier, and watched a couple of free diving spear fisherman trying to bag tarpon. We also saw scorpion fish and a sharptail eel.

The second dive was just with Joe R and was only 50 minutes long as I had to use a borrowed half tank from Mike. We followed the reef to Datura and back.

I loved diving with Mike's steel tank. Too bad he was there to greet us when we got back or it would have just "disappeared". Dropping even more weight, and the trim characteristics were just amazing. I think there's a new purchase in my future.

Walter's doubled 72's were interesting, they looked like they were older than I am. :wink:

Thanks Walter and Joe for a great day. And to Mike, as always your hospitality was much appreciated. I don't know what we'll do when you move and we lose our beach front dive shop/rest stop/diver lounge/gathering place. We may all just have to pitch in and rent that remaining apartment as Scubaboard Headquarters. :wink:

Future note to self. When bringing the extra car key to take under with with you while leaving your keys, phone, and wallet in the car, make sure you bring the key to the car you're actually driving. :D


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