June 27th - Yellow Brick Road

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I'm going to do my first beach dive Saturday at the Venice SB Birthday party, then drive to Broward Sunday evening.

I'd like to join in on the fun with y'all Sunday morning.

I'm a newbie and would be glad to buddy with anyone. Are you meeting at Michigan & A1A Sunday at 8 AM?
Yeah, I'm usually the anti-social one... (Trish, don't believe anything Rebecca says - I tend to be a bit shy and reserved on these trips. I'm almost as introverted as Colin...)

Yeah, I'm usually the anti-social one...

(Trish, don't believe anything Rebecca says - I tend to be a bit shy and reserved on these trips. I'm almost as introverted as Colin...)
Hi Algal Bloom
Got your phone message. Thanks a bunch.
Had to work Saturday AM and probably Sunday AM, too.
I'm glad to find some beach divers that go fairly often nearby.
Trish the Fish

algal bloom:
Hello Miss Fish!

I believe we'll be meeting in the parking lot at Michigan Street (it intersects A1A just north of Hollywood Blvd). There is a big parking garage but I'm sure we won't need to use it since there will be plenty of metered spots! I hope to see you there!

Harumph... introvert? I suspect not.
And Becca hasn't said a peep to me (yet!) :wink:
P.S. Is introversion anything like an introductory version?

Yeah, I'm usually the anti-social one...

(Trish, don't believe anything Rebecca says - I tend to be a bit shy and reserved on these trips. I'm almost as introverted as Colin...)
Not buying the introvert thing, eh? Okay, well I guess I'll just have to file a dive report.

It was another good day of beach diving in Hollywood. There was a slight chop (~2' max at the sandbars), but in general, conditions were pretty good. Waterbabie, CincyDiver and AlgalBloom and I met at the Johnson St. parking lot and went out from there on a Northeast course. (Yes, now I know that we should have gone SOUTHEAST, but our group had a collective TIA and had a good swim nonetheless.)

We saw some nice little patch reefs and some low-relief ledges (~3'high) as we proceeded out from the beach. There was a bit of current to the northwest, but we didn't notice it too much on the bottom. After a little while (50 minutes or so), Waterbabie and CincyDiver turned back, and AlgalBloom and I tried to surface swim Southeast, having realized that we'd missed the road. By this time, we were north of the bandstand, roughly east of the racquet ball courts.

We didn't make very good headway against the surface current, so we went to the bottom, set a course for S/SE, and came to the road maybe 10 minutes later. I surfaced, and noted that we were lined up with the south end of the Johnson St. parking garage (the peach one). Another good mark is the line of telephone poles lining Michigan St. You can line up on the one with the sewer blowoff valve on top - it looks like a birdhouse or a siren.

Anyway, the life near the road was great, as usual, lots of smaller reef fish - grunts, surgeons and doctors, blue tangs, a couple of yellow stingrays. During the first part of the dive, we saw two goldentail morays, the second of which CincyDiver saw freeswiming. He just sat on the bottom in the growth while we oogled him for a while, then swam away.

I also saw something that I think I've read about but can't remember its significance: Two bluestriped grunts were hovering face-to-face, opening their mouths, as if they were yawning to each other. I couldn't tell if they were transfering eggs or anything, but it was interesting behavior.

Anyway, it was a great dive, with good buddies and good conditions. Viz could have been better in the beginning (only ~15'), but it improved to around 25' at the road.

And believe it or not, we kept our promise to limit our SI activities and all got away pretty close to our target times.

Can't wait to do it again, especially now that I really know the marks for the site!

The only thing missing was the rest of the group, and I hope everybody had a great time in Venice. I'll be sure to join you next time.

It was a good day of diving. Sorry I had to bail on you guys. Sounds like you enjoyed the sites, now we know where to go. Anyone diving this weekend?

I forgot to ask you. As we were leaving the Road, we came across two elongated, tan-ish colored fish lying on the bottom. Were they some species of lizard fish? That is my guess just going from the picture in my mind's eye.

BTW, Rebecca, don't stress; I think Grier and I are ok (except for me sucking my tank a little too empty!)

I think this next weekend, I'll be doing more snorkeling and freediving than scuba. Trying to get my wife out to see the underwater world!



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