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Hey brewski, I just made me some belgian dubble goodness tonight... sadly I have to wait 2 month's or so until consumption. UGH! Why cant the yeast go faster, lol.

Link to the video is in another thread.
How's your shoulder, Jim?

Hey, Thanks for asking, The shoulder seems to be 100%, and I am back to work and teaching again, I could use A vacation though.....:D

How are you Doing, And when are we going to take care of that Dry-Suit for you???
And ... We need to work on getting A rescue class set up as well, I have several people Interested!!
Hey, Thanks for asking, The shoulder seems to be 100%, and I am back to work and teaching again, I could use A vacation though.....:D!

Jim it's really great to hear your shoulder is good to go !! :D!

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