Holy smokes! I am seriously thinking of learning how to surf this weekend instead. I'm almost afraid to try diving this weekend, poor AOW class. I have an email in to the instructor, wondering if she's going to scrub this weekend's AOW class, I sure don't want to rent tanks and drive to Monterey if it's not going to be divable. Maybe I won't rent tanks till I get to Monterey?
What do you instructors think, would you do an AOW class on a weekend with these gale force winds and the current surf report?
That is really hard to say, You can look at the swell forcast, the surf conditoins and all of that Looks bad, and then drive down there and find it great!!!
What I might suggest to you, is what I do, This evening (Friday) I would at about 4-430 call and ask Trevor or Glen what the conditions are like, They can look out the door and see the Breakwater, and that Gives a little bit better of A chance at knowing the future conditions!
Glens aquarius at the breakwater, 1-831-375-6605