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The creep is going to Honduras and didn't even invite us, Can you imagine the nerve of him?:D

Cool--I spent a month diving Utilia over Christmas last year - if he's heading there I have lots of unsolicited info ;-).
Just spent a few days on Roatan.

Thinking of heading back to Utilia for Christmas again if anyone is interested ;-). Pretty inexpensive - a basic nice place on the water costs $18 per night/diving is about $26 per dive.

Honduras doesn't have the biodiversity of SE Asia but it's fun diving - nice geology & the whale sharks on Utilia are truly outrageous!

You all are invited to SE Asia this summer! I'll be there 2.5 mos in places like the Philippines, Sumatra, Sulewesi, Bali and Komodo - I'd love some solid buddies.

It's challenging doing it alone & with insta-buddies (unless I find a solid partner, sometimes keeps me from doing the cool stuff). Gotta be on your toes. I do it all budget so it is very inexpensive.

After 4 trips to SE Asia, I have some DM/Instructor friends sprinkled around -- so may get to do some of the cool stuff after all!

With luck +/- 80 dives! That's pretty cool!

Maybe I am a beginner in a DS and in No Cal - but I can deffinately hold my own in SE Asia in a wetsuit!!

That's specific :wink:. Like that! Sounds like fun! Have a great time!! I am sure you will! Cant wait to hear the stories.

Did most my dives in Utilia last christmas and only had time for one dive on the west end of Roatan before the flight - but it was quite beautiful. Last dive of the trip & well warmed up :wink:.

"Hole in the Wall" - joined a DM friend & dropped single file down a very narrow canyon & out through a hanging canyon at 125ft looking down into who knows how much deep blue dreamy water below.

The geomorphology is fantastic! If you get the chance--with good vis, this is an amazing dive :wink:! I've heard one of the best on the west end.

But it's pretty far from your resort & I'm sure there are plenty of great dives near you!

When are you leaving?

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