Japanese Whaling Ship Catches Fire

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LOL Prayer?? Whats that :) I don't pray or go to church. . .it was sarcasm. . .
OK, fine. I just envisioned you and your cohorts sitting around in a circle holding hands, heads bowed, chanting my name, and I got very worried and felt threatened. Now I'm relieved and you can be assured I won't report you to the board.
Originally Posted by Thread Title
Japanese Whaling Ship Catches Fire

Respose by RAWLS:



Response by Fishb0y:

Glad you're happy someone died


I am tired of this guy being miss quoted from the very beginning of this post and have to speak out. See page 1 of this thread. Rawls ws not happy that someone had died. Read his quote, he was happy that the whaling ship caught fire.

Fishboy, from what I read, you have misinterpretid him.

I don't think Rawls or anyone here wants to see anyone die from this situation.

Thank you
Gee... all I did was read his post.
BTW...Keep reading all the posts... No need to apologize
OK, fine. I just envisioned you and your cohorts sitting around in a circle holding hands, heads bowed, chanting my name, and I got very worried and felt threatened. Now I'm relieved and you can be assured I won't report you to the board.

Shew praise the great olive tree. . .

BTW Andy I think you batting your eye lashes at me like that is sexual harrasment :)
Looks like the score is whales 1 and whalers (well) -1.
Maybe they'll stay home next year.

We hope not I like whale meat it's tasty :popcorn:
We hope not I like whale meat it's tasty :popcorn:
I figure that's sarcasm.

Have you tried long pig? :eat:
don't get letterboy going about farm animals :D
don't get letterboy going about farm animals :D

I prefer sheep actually. . .

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