Jan 30, 2005 - Night Dive w/ Splashdown Divers

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There is a Hot Shower on the boat.

Is that really a good idea given the DCS
issues that may result?

diver doh:
Obvious you have never dove cold water.

I know cold water. After all, I live in
the Keys, you know.

diver doh:
Naw, there isn't a DCS issue.

According to DAN (Europe)

"Exposure to warm water (hot bath, showers etc.)
should be avoided for at least 90, better 180,
minutes after scuba diving"


I know cold water. After all, I live in
the Keys, you know.

According to DAN (Europe)

"Exposure to warm water (hot bath, showers etc.)
should be avoided for at least 90, better 180,
minutes after scuba diving"



Oh, well.... You still haven't dove cold water.....

My definition of cold water?
< 55 degrees. My coldest water? 38 degrees. Can you say ice cream headache all the way to 125'?

and by the way, that was DAN europe, not NA :D

(Just think French people, they abrogate anything)

DOH - Making me click on Merriam Webster again. ab&#183;ro&#183;gate- Etymology: Latin abrogatus, past participle of abrogare, from ab- + rogare to ask, propose a law 1 : to abolish by authoritative action : ANNUL. 2 : to treat as nonexistent <abrogating their responsibilities

KWBuddy - You are going to get some varied answers when it comes to DCS prevention. The 100% way is to not dive. That is unreasonable to me, right up there with a Doctor telling me.. "Well no more spicy food for you or you will die"... I'd die with a plate of chicken wing bones, spicy conch chowder, and a cup of Krista's salsa on the table.

It is proposed that there may be a link to Hot Tubing after a dive day. They also recommend that you so not drink alcohol after diving, and no strenous activity.

That is a day of vacation for me. Diving AM, Diving Afternoon. Drinks at the Bar followed by some Hot Tubing then some Strenous activities, sleep and more diving the next day.

I think the key is to watch how many things you violate. I would not Under hydrate, get little sleep, drink all night, dive long, deep, cold hard working dives. It is the too many little things that will get you. A hot shower after a regular dive day will not get you bent. Nor a hot cup of coffee. Unless you are already tapping the needle into the red to start with and that is the proverbal straw that breaks the camels back.

Just like any dive decisions they are indiviual choices and I'd never *pfft* any cautions that anyone did. Well there is exceptions.. I think wearing a MAE west out to the dive site in tropical paradise and under 2' rollers just in case you get swept over is a bit laughable.

BAck to your unhighjacked thread...
Thanks eric... I was going to say... KWBUDDY - If you want to know about hot water showers and DCS - post a question in Ask Dr. Deco.

The last thing I will say about this hijack is that I have used the shower many times without getting DCS (no hits) and I know that the shower on the boat is used quite frequently, with no incidents reported in the LONG HISTORY of Splashdown divers because of someone taking a warm shower. [/hijack]

This thread is about a night dive at the end of the month.

So far... People who are definitely diving that night.

Mark (friend from Colorado)
Angie (another friend from Colorado)
scubakevdm (DM extraordinaire)
I would join you all, but I like the two tank dives, more down under for the buck. The Captain Tony is a nice dive, be careful of what you touch they&#8217;re some poisonous fish that hang out on the railings, and I&#8217;m going cave diving this weekend. Have a great dive!

I wish I could make this one. I'm learning GIS on Monday nights until 10PM. Maybe next time. Are you guys diving Wednesday?
Wednesday we'll be in the Keys...

We really need one or two more people on this... otherwise, it might get bagged.

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