Jameson Karst Edwards

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Man, what a beauty.... Told you he was worth all the beginning pain and trouble.....
if kraken isn't paying attention, that could get posted again, so beware...

yes, i think he's a doll. and very very good natured!

day before yesterday, he discovered his outside voice!

i look at a miracle, every day. thank you, god. and thank you, sb buddies, for your good wishes & prayers.
day before yesterday, he discovered his outside voice!

I'm so glad to see how well he's doing! BIG HUG to you both!

Now you get to spend the next several years trying to get him to use his outside voice OUTSIDE :rofl3: Good luck!
Ber :lilbunny:
I'm so glad to see how well he's doing! BIG HUG to you both!

Now you get to spend the next several years trying to get him to use his outside voice OUTSIDE :rofl3: Good luck!
Ber :lilbunny:

Ummm wonder if he takes after his mother in that respect. (the outside voice):D

Glad things are going so well Marci and continued good wishes for the future.
What a precious baby! He sure is a cutie...continued good vibes and hugs to you both.
he's doing great! he's 19lbs, 25inches long. he's pretty good at sitting up - not quite all by himself, but closer every day! he can roll, but usually doesn't bother. eating a little rice cereal every day, and getting better at opening & closing his mouth for it. his lungs are growing. the pulmonologist said she doesn't need to see him for 2-3 months and gave me outlines for starting to wean his oxygen in case he's ready to have it decreased before that visit. the opthamologist said his eyes are, and i quote, 'perfect!'. have any of you ever had a doctor say *anything* was perfect?!? :D:D:D

the only issue right now is that his feeding button has been leaking for about a week. they changed it out when we were there wednesday, and it's better, but not better enough. i'm having to change his clothes after most feedings, and though it doesn't take much liquid to look like a lot, i'm concerned because he's not getting all his nutrition. the biggest worry, though, is that it makes his skin on his tummy & back so wet so often. i don't want him to have diaper rash on his tummy! still, if that's my most pressing concern - yay!!
Glad to hear things are moving forward in positive manner Marci!

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