thank you very much, linda. (your hubby always speaks very highly of you!) happiest of holidays to y'all, too!
gang, i got to kangaroo him (hold him on my chest skin-to-skin) today for ALMOST 3 HOURS!! it was wonderful, very relaxing. he slept really well the whole time. and then he peed on me, but even that was great. yes, he had on a diaper, but even those teeny diapers don't fit his narrow preemie butt very well!
important for him to get some good rest, because as he comes off his sedation, he's been more irritated yesterday afternoon & today. hard to see him cry - he doesn't make noise because of the tube, but his face squinches up & his mouth is in 'cry' mode. ultimately, of course, it's good that he comes off that sedation, though, so it's nice for him to get some different comforting.
a pretty good day!