Hey, why don't we cut out all foreign aid for a couple of years to help ourselves?
As long as we keep our nose out of their business too, I would say that is an acceptable step. We both know that trying to run other countries is one of the top reasons we in the USA are having issues now.
The problem with GM is that they, and the other auto manufacturers, continued to try to conduct business in a global economy with 1940's, 50's and 60's management and marketing attitudes and models.
Of course the labor unions didn't help, either . . . building cars at $10/hr. and selling them to a population that makes $5/hr. Bad economics when compared to foreign vehicles made at a substantially lower wage rate.
I disagree that GM or any of the others are using aged management tactics, I completely disagree that the labor unions are at issue.
In the early years the profits from Manufacturing and Production Corporations the bulk of the profits went into the founders pockets. Labor unions, at least prior to political corruption, forced the corporations to return more of the profits to the people who actually earned it.
Over the years, another player took control: The investor. As more and more looked to make money by doing nothing (which is a smart thing if done in balance with an actual production) a power shift occurred. CEOs began focusing on quieting the demand for more and more return from entities that actually did nothing to produce profit. Instead of concentrating on maintaining a healthy and balanced company, profit became the sole goal.
That means some items that insured health in the future but require heavy cost to benefit ratios were removed to show profits now. The way a company was rated shifted from the quality of product produced to the health of the employee and now it is focused on the quarterly profit. There are just to many trying to get rich quick to sustain that focus. All those hands in the cookie jar only lead to crumbs.
I would love to have a 400% return on my investment, however, the truth is; if my money is still there 20 years from now and I have made 1% then I made a smarter choice than if I spent it today on a consumable.
While the desire to have money make money is intelligent, we have to remember that currency is actually a concept and not real. When we solely rely on nothing producing nothing we can't be upset when the cupboard is bare. There has to be a valued production, produced by a caring person. That person deserves the fruits of their efforts. It is why they work, to provide for their needs, wants, and desires.
The funny thing is, most have no desire for riches. They could earn 40 million in their lifetime and would spend it all. Those that hoard it would still get it in the end...

It is never about the money.. It is about the power over another... Cure that... and you have a free country. GOOD LUCK!
Of course there is always the chance I am just stirring the pot for the sake of discussion too!