Run the calculations, use standard gases, 50% is better.
Regarding the recommendation to limit mixes with helium to those without, you may be trying to read too far between the lines. If you look at the gases in the case study it was a switch from 8/60 to 21/0 at 30m. Going effectively from a pHe of 2.4 to 0 and from a pN2 from 1.3 to 3.1. If you look at what a better choice in gases would be, you'd be going from 10/70 at 100m then switch to 21/35 at 60m ish *some may choose 18/45 to have a "deeper" get out of jail free card with the switch but you're not spending a ton of time down here and if you're going to 100m you should be on a CCR but that's another topic for another day*, so cutting helium in half while doubling the nitrogen to 21/35 or slightly less with 18/45, not something that anyone is going to balk at. Then you get to 20m and kick over to 50% because you're going to be in that range for a hot minute but you're now what I would consider "shallow". Now we are making a gas switch at a similar depth to the case study but we are going from 21/35 to 50% so we already have offgased a huge amount of helium since the ppN2 is pushing it all out on the 21/35 or 18/45. Those are standard normoxic dives that no one ever questions ICD. The real issue is slamming the helium out of the tissues by seeing huge swings in inspired pHe, and going from 1.0 to 0 is a lot less scary than 2.4 to 0.