Zinc and I spent a little time at the riverbed tonight. Here's the essentials:
Temps: Surface - 82 degrees, Max Depth - 63 degrees
Max Depth: 147'
Visibility - 10'+ from surface to 40', 5' from 40'-100', 10'+ from 100'-147'
We swam in an southeasterly direction straight out from the shore, parallel to the dam. We entered the water just east northeast of the boat ramp.
We followed the bottom for approximately 700' before turning the dive. We were down on the riverbed for a little over 5 minutes. Viz never varied.
We found plenty of junk on the way to the riverbed...a wad of bungees, a roll of duct tape, some odd metal part we couldn't ID, misc. beer cans and plenty of the usual junk.
Anything else you need to know, just ask.