They had a light load (only 4 guests) so we were in a large Panga (38 foot) with a cover over about 1/2of it. Would not have been an issue in rain but we didn't get any.
I am writing this from Hamanasi in Belize having just done 4 days at Turneffe Island Resort. All 3 resorts are good. It's pretty hard to argue with the value of Isla Marisol. It depends what you want though. The facilities in Hamanasi and Turneffe are 'perfect', not a dead lightbulb or a hint of corrosion. Isla Marisol reflects its position on an isolated reef; bathroom fixtures are perfectly good but show some signs of corrosion on the chrome polish - frankly, who cares? If you own a boat you know it's a full time sprint just to stand still - maintenance is constant. They were constantly working, cleaning and tending to Isla Marisol and it was clear that they really cared about the place, just don't expect everything to be brand new as that would raise the cost significantly and unnecessarily in my opinion.
They have repeat guests (as all of these resorts do) that LOVE the place. Try it, see if it's your gig and if so, smile