I don't know -- I suspect my husband might complain about being neglected in favor of dive gear . . .
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To all the lovely lady-go-divers that are in need of a break from such obsessive behavior on the part of their SOs, I offer my services. My gear is so old (and functional) and I'm so broke that I don't even dream about buying new gear... and have all the time in the world to be attentive!
I'm MUCH more interested in a potential ultimate dive buddy than I am in any piece of equipment! Of course as Sam can tell you, I get pretty obsessive about that!
I was afraid my BF would start a "My GF loves her dive light more than me" support group after raving about my Light Monkey for the past two months.
did you finally get it back after the airlines lost it? (I know you were getting antsy for a while... )
To all the lovely lady-go-divers that are in need of a break from such obsessive behavior on the part of their SOs, I offer my services. My gear is so old (and functional) and I'm so broke that I don't even dream about buying new gear... and have all the time in the world to be attentive!
It's just a guy thing. Women are MUCH better at multi-tasking our shopping and relationships!
did you finally get it back after the airlines lost it? (I know you were getting antsy for a while... )
It felt like a while but it was only 16 hours, delivered the next day. TSA did search the gear bag, probably to touch my Monkey. The Light Monkey came to NC with me last week.
yeah, she got it back, mine showed up 2 days later definitely rethinking our packing strategy
for what a Light Monkey cost, I'd be in my "carry on roller bag" with my camera, regulator, computers, etc.