Is the Mares M2 a liberal or conservative computer?

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M2 is conservative according to ScubaDiving Magazine, I'd go with a newer Mares like a Nemo Wide or go with an Aeris XR-* computer
Better? Different yes! And does the difference appeal to you? If so, then it's better for you!

The RGBM based algorithm has certain caracteristics that some people prefer. It is apparently more conservative than most (I like this). Also, the M2 has an integrated deep stop that it suggests you make when you do really deep diving or come within 1 minute of your NDL (which I also like; deep stops are a concept widely used in decompression diving to improve offgassing). This stop is not mandatory: if you miss it, or ignore it, the computer won't lock you out or anything like that.

Honnestly, I love my M2. I had a chance to upgrade to the other Mares computers, and I chose to keep with an M2. It has certain features that the others just don't have (mainly user changeable batteries and a permanent backlight).

So the real question is does the RGBM (more conservative) model appeal to you?
HI all,

Just an FYI, All Mares computers with the exception of Nemo Excel (watch) have user replaceable batteries and also offer a backlight.

Some have said that the initial couple of dives compared next to a Pelagic computer, the RGBM algorithm is considered a little more conservative. However if doing multiple dives ie: live aboard dive boat, resort, it equals out in the long run. At the end of the day, it may be a little more conservative, but I personally would rather error on the side of caution. I have a very dear friend now in a wheel chair because he was a little more liberal.

Best regards,
And it's not like the RGBM cuts your NDL time in two compared to more liberal computers!!!:shakehead: The differences are subtle and you still get lots of dive time with these computers! They are just slightly more on the conservative side. Then I add on more conservative practices to add my own margin of security...:coffee:

For me, more conservative is good...
M2 is conservative according to ScubaDiving Magazine, I'd go with a newer Mares like a Nemo Wide or go with an Aeris XR-* computer

I believe the Nemo Wide uses the the same RGBM model that the M2 does.
I'm not sure if the NEMO Wide uses the exact same model - but the display is fantastic - all the information you need/want is always right in front of you.

So far I can say I always run out of air before I run out of NDL time :D
I'm not sure if the NEMO Wide uses the exact same model - but the display is fantastic - all the information you need/want is always right in front of you.

So far I can say I always run out of air before I run out of NDL time :D

They both use RGBM alorithms, but I can't say if they are exactly the same. The biggest improvement I found with the NEMO Wide over the M2 is the buttons. Now, with 4 buttons, it's very easy to navigate! :D

And, if you go past where you wanted, you don't have to cycle all the way through again. Very intuitive. :lotsalove:

The only disatvantages I've found are 1) you can't set the backlight to stay on and 2) the battery is more difficult to change. Of course, there is the much larger screen too.:)
thanks for everones advice I bought the m2 today over the oceanic I just want to be safe so this seemed like the best choice thanks again to everybody for their time

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