Is It True that the Meat Industry Causes More Pollution Than Cars?

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oh man ....

that was actually funny

Mars is also warming up.
From what I've seen in life, anytime when something complicated appears to be explained by one variable it's not true. Life and nature are pretty complicated, but one-liners are much easier on the brain. Most likely global warming is the result of natural solar cycles combined with human actions(polution, using resources like they are endless). Truth is rarely black or white, it's usually a shade of gray.
Mars is also warming up.

for completely different reasons (Mars is heating due to excentricities in its rotation)

Most likely global warming is the result of natural solar cycles combined with human actions(polution, using resources like they are endless).

well, the solar cycle isn't really an issue ... warming due to solar factors has been pretty flat of late

the amount of CO2 released by industry is just enormous and at a rate much faster than natural processes.

in fact, i would hazard that it's not so much HOW MUCH CO2 we're pumping, but how fast and in what a short time we've done it that is the problem
my point simply is that claiming to explain something complicated as global warming by using one variable is overly simplistic.
Point well taken though..
my point simply is that claiming to explain something complicated as global warming by using one variable is overly simplistic.

oh no, i agree ... it's not that simple
Ok... let's assume it is so...

What are the solutions? Cars? Maybe... Cows??? Maybe... How about the internet? The 2006 PG&E Annual Report observed that 1.5% of all electricty goes to data centers in this country... now, let's factor in the millions of computers... and the massive amout of stuff we consume (non-edible) that is marketed over the internet... That's a lot of juice... which requires generation... Who's gonna' be first to advocate shutting down the internet? Wanna' make a GREAT change in the universe??? Ban marketing and let's get rid of a 'demand' society... cut down on personal consumption and waste, stop feeding the commercial machine that cranks out more goods than we could consume in three lifetimes...

I find it interesting that two countries were noticabley exempt from the Kyoto Treaty... that would be China and India (or so I've read... if I'm incorrect please advise)... (the 'developing countries' exemption)...

Who's going to stop flying to cool recreational dive destinations to cut down on their personal emissions factor?

When I was a kid I heard "think globally... act locally"... the problem is what I see practiced always seems to be more along the lines of "think globally... make the other guy act locally"...

It's not that I'm not concerned about my environment... I just don't want ecology to be a simple euphanism for social engineering.

Get rid of the internet? Does anyone remember a few years ago when Al Gore claimed HE invented the internet? Also, the electric bill for one month at Al Gores mansion is more than I pay in a year! I have always advocated stewardship of our planet, recycling, the whole mother earth philosophy. It would be nice though if the most prominant supporter of global warming wasn't such a hippocritr.
Also, the electric bill for one month at Al Gores mansion is more than I pay in a year!

your monthly electric bill (assuming around $180) is more than most people in the world make in a month

does that make you a hypocrite?

Guys, I have a confession, since my arrival in Thailand experiencing their culinary delights I have contributed greatly to the greenhouse gas problem-----wait---gotta strain again------aahhhhhh!! Sorry!


... but, wow... that brings up a facinating question... everytime we exhale we breath out CO2... we're constantly outgassing... how much does the human population contribute to all this global polution!!!! Think of all that hot air being pumped into our precious atmosphere for so many years... Think of all the CO2 that's being pumped into our atmosphere through the fermentation process that makes our beer (... and, by the way, the ethinol that's supposed to help reduce oil dependance... and also, interestingly, the miles per gallon your vehicle is capable of getting...)

Personally, I think that if *I* had to point to a single factor solution I'd point to the US... we're preditors and consumers... I note with interest that Andy identifies the three main contributors as things that "enable" society to be all consumptive (entandre' intended)... and, inherently, if the problem were simply one of lowering emissions, I agree with his simplistic answer...

However, these aren't REALLY the problem now... are they? These are mechanisms of the problem. To solve the problem we have to change society... we have to wean ourselves from our "get ahead... better than you... high-tech... gotta-have-it" mentality.

The arguement seems to be that: It's not that our mindset is screwed up... it's just that we need to be able to have what we have in a more ecconomical and universe friendly way (which is also a sick joke beause, as I've noted before... the EARTH will do just fine... it will adapt, change and renew... we, as the dominant speices however, are hosed)... and then, if we can do that... we can have our pie and eat it to!!!

I'm waiting for the first person to go wandering off to the third world and tell them, "No... we've decided that it really wouldn't be in your best intersests to become like we are because we're bad... bad... bad... for ourselves and the planet. So, instead... you need to ignore all the flashy junk we bring into your culture when we come to see how we SHOULD be... and continue to live your third world lives in your third world way." Yea... bet that would go over big... So... we continue to eliminate manufacturing here... and instead add yet more the transportion polution side of the equation by having vast amounts of our junk made in exempt contries... which, of course, reduces the cost and allows us to get YET MORE STUFF...

The law of Supply and Demand is in full function... we demand... they supply. We're the crack addicts of the consumer world... and when's the last time ya' saw a hard core junkie just quit because his habit was bad for him?

I note with interest that, so far... nobody has volunteered to give up their internet or flights to Bonair...

... and actually, while I appreciate WeekendDiver's comment... I'm going to slightly quibble with one aspect of his post... in my opinion, the TRUTH is always black and white... it's the solutions that are often grey....


It's a strange, strange world we live in Master Jack....

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