Is It True that the Meat Industry Causes More Pollution Than Cars?

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it's people!!! Soylent Green is people!!!!!
Ann Marie:
Global sea levels could rise by more than 20 feet with the loss of shelf ice in Greenland and Antarctica, devastating coastal areas worldwide.(7)

Where is this water going to come from? Ever filled a glass of ice with water then waited for the Ice to melt? Slow down and think about the what thest people are saying.

I am not saying the earth is not warming I just don't buy into the Hesteria or that it is Manmade.
Can we have Catsup with our Soylent Green?


"Nobody died when Kerry lied"
Global warming? You mean like has occured ump-teen times throughout the geologic life of the earth? Ya' mean like the has occured in cycles since long before the human experiment began? We're just the cause THIS TIME (...or, a contributor to the cause). Ever consider that we are the handmaidens (or hand... umm... manservants) of the natural course of the destiny of the universe??? Uh... didja'??? Has anybody ever considered that MAYBE if we don't do what fate presdestins us to do something even WORSE will happen???

(Hey Andy... I'm just citin' all that science ya' learn on them ed-u-cational TV shows like the Discovery Channel, National Geographic and CNN... it's fate man... pure and simple fate!!! Like... ummm... beer...)

... but then... the cool thing about global warming is that the Atlantic conveyor will shut down and an ICE AGE will begin... so... those of you with condo's in Aruba are set, man!!! Buy your dry suits now and avoid the rush...
Global warming? You mean like has occured ump-teen times throughout the geologic life of the earth? Ya' mean like the has occured in cycles since long before the human experiment began?

behold the dawn of a new age:


"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
Ann Marie:
There is no doubt we can solve this problem. In fact, we have a moral obligation to do so.

With due respect... great line... absolute horse-hocky... but A GREAT LINE!

We can't do our taxes or create a generation that knows how to read... how in the world are we going to solve global problems without subjegating every man, woman and child... and simply eliminating those who don't comply? Heck the paper to support the bureaucracy alone would do more eccological damage than anything I can think of...

Ever hear of the "Law of Unpredicable Results"? Nature IS gonna' win...

"Here are your animal rights: You have the right to eat anything smaller than you and run and hide from anything bigger that wants to eat YOU."

Now... of course, there ARE all those flesh eating micro-organisms out there that we should run from too... but they're hard to see coming...
we have a chance to solve the problem of global warming, and we have a duty to try

everything else is just excuses not to do the right thing and take responsibility for our own actions

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