Is It True that the Meat Industry Causes More Pollution Than Cars?

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behold the dawn of a new age:"

WIKIMEDIA, huh??? Last time I saw a chart similar to this the spike at the end wasn't there... current CO2 was not quite up to what had initiated the previous ice ages...

But... if CO2 IS so high... why haven't things triggered long before this?

:D Problem is... I don't think ANYBODY knows what the truth is... and that scares me more than anything else.
But... if CO2 IS so high... why haven't things triggered long before this?

because this has just happened in the past 200 years ... i.e., since the Industrial Revolution started

:D Problem is... I don't think ANYBODY knows what the truth is... and that scares me more than anything else.

a lot of qualified scientists have studied the problem for the past 10 years at least, and there have been several reports issued, and they just keep getting worse and worse

it's real, it's there. the data supports it, and it's just getting started

by this point, even the Bush administration admits it; so does Exxon-Mobile; so do all the scientific organizations in Europe, the U.S., China, and Japan
Wow. It really surprises me that so many divers care so little about global warming. A very real consequence of global climate change is that coral reefs are dying. Even if you don't believe that the consequences of global warming are as bad as people think, you should want to preserve the environment that we all love to dive in.

It's a lot easier to stop eating meat than stop driving a car for most people. I need to drive for my job.l I can be perfectly happy not eating meat, and I like the way it tastes and I'm not crying about all the dead animals. I just think it's the right thing to do.

That being said, I don't want to force my views on anyone, and I don't think any less of anyone who sees things differently. Some people don't drive, and they're probably doing more for conservation than me even if they gorge themselves on beef every day.
it's real, it's there. the data supports it, and it's just getting started

Ok... let's assume it is so...

What are the solutions? Cars? Maybe... Cows??? Maybe... How about the internet? The 2006 PG&E Annual Report observed that 1.5% of all electricty goes to data centers in this country... now, let's factor in the millions of computers... and the massive amout of stuff we consume (non-edible) that is marketed over the internet... That's a lot of juice... which requires generation... Who's gonna' be first to advocate shutting down the internet? Wanna' make a GREAT change in the universe??? Ban marketing and let's get rid of a 'demand' society... cut down on personal consumption and waste, stop feeding the commercial machine that cranks out more goods than we could consume in three lifetimes...

I find it interesting that two countries were noticabley exempt from the Kyoto Treaty... that would be China and India (or so I've read... if I'm incorrect please advise)... (the 'developing countries' exemption)...

Who's going to stop flying to cool recreational dive destinations to cut down on their personal emissions factor?

When I was a kid I heard "think globally... act locally"... the problem is what I see practiced always seems to be more along the lines of "think globally... make the other guy act locally"...

It's not that I'm not concerned about my environment... I just don't want ecology to be a simple euphanism for social engineering.
I find it interesting that two countries were noticabley exempt from the Kyoto Treaty... that would be China and India (or so I've read... if I'm incorrect please advise)... (the 'developing countries' exemption)...

I believe in global warming, but I am not for the Kyoto treaty either, for that reason.

Where do you think it is better to have an oil well, off the coast of Santa Barbara, or off the coast of Mexico?

(if you have to have one...and until you don't drive a car, etc, you are part of the problem too)

And then you have all the people whining about motorcycle noise when they are getting 50 miles to the gallon....give anybody on a bike of any type a pass, I say.
Ok... let's assume it is so...

no need to; the data is there

What are the solutions?

the three main greenhouse gas produces are:

1. powerplants
2. industry stacks
3. transportation

so i would suggest to start with, change from fossil-fuel burning power plants to nuclear plants ASAP.

then, institute emissions controls for CO2 as to the industry stacks. any industry stack, anywhere in the world, must comply. you can't afford it, you don't build it.

then, approve only low-emissions, high-gas mileage vehicles (whether planes, trains, cars, etc.)

the cost will be high, but it will reflect the true cost of our standard of living. right now we are junkies living off cheap energy and fouling our own beds.

will this ever be implemented? hell no
WIKIMEDIA, huh??? Last time I saw a chart similar to this the spike at the end wasn't there... current CO2 was not quite up to what had initiated the previous ice ages...

But... if CO2 IS so high... why haven't things triggered long before this?

:D Problem is... I don't think ANYBODY knows what the truth is... and that scares me more than anything else.

Hey there J.R. ! Nice to see you're one of those who went to school. :D

H2Andy...... Wakey wakey at the back there. :rofl3:
And this is relevant to Diving ?

before posting, figure out what forum you are in

welcome to ScubaBoard
Guys, I have a confession, since my arrival in Thailand experiencing their culinary delights I have contributed greatly to the greenhouse gas problem-----wait---gotta strain again------aahhhhhh!! Sorry!

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