Question Is GUE jump protocol unsafe in 0 viz??

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As far as I understand, GUE would have this protocol when making a unmarked jump from a system line:
  • Diver 1 places a personal arrow and a cookie (to indicate presence/exit side).
  • Diver 1 ties spool into the arrow.
  • Divers 2 and 3 add their cookies on exit side of the new temporary T.
  • Diver 1 ties spool to the jump line. Nobody adds any further cookies as the team should recognise their spool.
I’ve seen some places teach that divers 2 and 3 should add their cookies (or REMs) also close the the jump spool - so two sets of cookies/REMs per jump. Diver 1 would not place additional markers (so in a team separation scenario, have no way to indicate they are out).

Is the GUE protocol unsafe in zero viz? What’s your experience and preference?
I can't really answer for GUE but they've been around a long time and I can't see them having maintained a procedure that is "unsafe is zero viz".

If your jump is being tied to the end of the jump line. ie creating a continuation of the line then it wouldn't cause a navigational error. Is that the scenario?

If your jumping to the middle of another line then I'd want a cookie to indicate that this is my teams spool.
Same issue with the primary reel, no? GUE doesn’t teach placing cookies when you tie into the main line. Your reels and spools should be visibly marked, and how likely is truly ZERO vis at the exact moment you reach the reel or spool? I don’t know if that’s GUE’s logic—just my thinking.

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