Is Diving a Life Change for You?

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Life changing . . . Oh, yes.

Diving fascinates me. The experience of floating underwater, utterly weightless, absolutely motionless, free from gravity for the first time since I came into the world, is completely one of rapture. I can't get enough of it.

One of the most amazing changes that diving has brought about for me is friends. I am truly the poster child for social anxiety disorder, enough so to have undergone treatment for it. One of the first things I did after I got certified was get on our LDS's e-group and petition for dive buddies. I have met SO many people as a result of diving. I have a social group for the first time ever, really. And I continue to hook up with people as a result of places like ScubaBoard. Last Wednesday, I met four complete strangers to go crab hunting. It amazes me repeatedly, that this has come out of diving.

I'm really not very interested in trips where I can't dive. We've made some fantastic trips since I got certified, and the things we have seen and done have been incredible. But if I could only dive at home (in the cold, cold water -- and I HATE cold) I would do so.

Diving has changed my life, for sure.
yes it changed my life and my wife as well :D
Only to the tune of about $200k........
I've been diving for about a year now and looking back over that year I see that my outlook on life has changed dramatically - I'm not sure if this all for the good. I am so addicted to diving that everything I do tends to reflect a diving option.

I'm interested in if anybody shares my thoughts and live in my world as well. I keep thinking that at some point, I'm going to grow tired of this, but I can't imagine I will. I use to be a very priority based person with the traditional priorities. But, now those priorites have to include a dive trip. Am I going crazy? Am I way over the top? In my mind I sometimes think of myself as "druggy" when it comes to diving. As with a junky their priority is when they will get their next fix, mine is when I will get my next dive.

Just some food for thought that I thought I would pass along, because nobody is around right now for me to talk diving with.

S. Nagel

Yes, there are people out here that share your thoughts! I think about it on a daily basis. I have been diving every weekend for the past month or so, and cannot get enough of it. So much so, that I am currently working on my divemaster certification and am going to be taking specialty courses as well, i.e., navigation, underwater digital photography, and deep diving. The weather is going to change in a few months, which will greatly slow down the diving, so for now I'm trying to get in as much as possible.

As far as the wife is concerned, maybe you could slowly reintroduce her back into diving. It will make for a great time. Something you two can share together.

Good luck.
Leejnd, I am in the same boat! Got certified with hubby on our 6 year anniversary in April, I now have 36 dives under my belt and he has 4.

It really has changed me in some ways. I am one of those "sleep till noon" people, but find it very easy to wake up at the butt-crack of dawn to get to North Shore and beat everyone to the parking spots so that sea nmf and I can leisurely make our way around the reef. I find it ironic now that I get up early on my days off and get to sleep in the days that I work since I don't have to be at work till 3pm!
Yep, completely changed me. For better or worse, your pick. :wink:
I would say I am very similar to the OP in that diving and talking about diving, and reading about diving occupy most of my time and most of the people around me could care less about diving so its hard but there are some things that heavily influence my social life negativly because of diving.

I dont drink or drink in VERY limited amounts because alcohol and diving dont mix for a variety of reasons. All the people I work with drink 6 otta 7 nights a week and all my close friends are not so close because drinking is there thing also. Its fun for a while being the sober one but after a couple nights playing baby sitter it gets old.

I dont smoke because of diving and I dont know many people who dont smoke so when people take smoke breaks at work I cant and have to continue work.

I dont use any recreational drugs or take prescriptions or even use asprin because of diving.

Of course all the things I just listed are not healthy anyway and I would chose not to do many of those things just because but at the same time it is always hard to say no to even a free drink.

I dont go to family, work, or friend related things on my days off instead I dive. I dont so shopping, or hunting, or camping, or anything that takes more than a couple hours cause thats time I could be underwater.

I use all my vacation time at work for dive related training, and rarely see much of my family cause I only ever work, dive, or sleep.

I dont regret any of this though because I see and do things that I truely enjoy and I have seen stuff underwater that most of the world will never see and I understand and practice my underwater skills often which makes me a better diver.

To some diving is a hobby, to others its a job, but to many its a way of life. Make your choice.
I've been diving for about a year now and looking back over that year I see that my outlook on life has changed dramatically - I'm not sure if this all for the good. I am so addicted to diving that everything I do tends to reflect a diving option. Previously, I enjoyed getting away and do some camping, but now I still love to camp, but it simply is not worth it to me if I cannot get a dive trip in as well. A good conversation to me is one where diving issues are discussed or tails of a dive trip are told. When I'm in the company of friends that do not dive it is very hard for me to not bring up diving. I have to work real hard not turn conversations into diving discussions with them because although they initially are very curious they tend to get bored with the discussion quickly and I can go on for hours. As with everybody, I have many projects around the house, but if somebody calls me up and wants to dive - I'm there. The bathroom remodel can wait - it makes perfect sense to me. My wife does not dive, but when her sister and husband (who do dive) come around, we talk for hours about diving. She hasn't said anything and is very supportive of my new hobby, but at times I can tell she gets a little bored with it. My wife and her sister are very close, but now since we all dive, I tend to spend more time with them than my wife. She is invited along to all our dives, but would rather not go because it is a dive trip. I've tried to get her involved in diving and when we took our first discover dive class she was very excited. But, on the first dive she got a real bad sinus squeeze and had to stop. She lost all interest at that point. Family vacations have turned to dive trips. Again, my wife is very supportive and I do try and do things outside of diving with her on vacations, but if diving is not part of the vacation - why go?

I have traditionally been somewhat of a "tight-***" when it comes to spending money. But, laying down $2,000 on dive gear just seems very natural. In fact, I'm really looking at getting drysuit certified and spending another $2000 for a drysuit simply does not phase me. When family or friends come around that I haven't seen in awhile, I love to show them pictures and video of my dive trips. They tend to be interested, but sometimes I feel I'm boring them to tears - they just don't get it.

I'm interested in if anybody shares my thoughts and live in my world as well. I keep thinking that at some point, I'm going to grow tired of this, but I can't imagine I will. I use to be a very priority based person with the traditional priorities. But, now those priorites have to include a dive trip. Am I going crazy? Am I way over the top? In my mind I sometimes think of myself as "druggy" when it comes to diving. As with a junky their priority is when they will get their next fix, mine is when I will get my next dive.

Just some food for thought that I thought I would pass along, because nobody is around right now for me to talk diving with.

S. Nagel

Yep. Welcome home. This is where you belong.:D
It's helped me overcome my issues with driving long distances, since most of my diving is done three hours away.

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