Is Diving a Life Change for You?

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Man, I agree with you...I feel sorry for the people that travel to places like the Keys, Coz, Bonaire, that aren't divers! I feel like they are missing the best part of the vacation! It almost seems pointless to me! I plan every vacation around diving...if I have to go somewhere on business, I try to find a dive spot. Maine, St. Louis, Michigan...I always look to get at least one in! Luckily my wife is a tropical kinda girl, and wants to get certified in the future, so it is not an issue with her! :)
Everything revolves around diving. Now I just have to be sure I land a job near some sweet dive sites.:) (see what I mean)
The people I feel the most sorry for are divers who are passionate about diving, but don't live near the water. I'm fortunate that some of the best diving on the planet (IMO :wink:) is just a 20-minute drive from my house. I get the underwater itch, I throw my gear in the back of my car and head down to Malibu, and all it costs is the price of an air fill, and gas. In fact, I'm heading there in about an hour.

I don't know what I'd do if I was landlocked! :eek:
my friends ask, what is it like. in a summary i tell them, you will either hate it or love it, and if you love it, it will consume you. drug addiction has nothing on diving.
I would be lying if I said scuba diving for me has been life-changing, to be honest.
However, scuba diving was a rather natural way to go given they way I look at life and the things we experience between birth and passing away.
My first "wakeup-call" with regards to life and death came while I was still in grade school, altho it took me some time after I got better to realize just how sick I had been. Ive always been very active, and as an active kid who suddenly wasnt even allowed to have gymnastics at school for the next year, I was bored out of my skull.

As I grew older I realized more and more that what I want to do today, I might be unable to do "when I get around to it". So if I want to do something and have the chance to do it, I go for it.
I wanted to go skydiving, so I did.
I wanted to try scuba diving, so when I got the chance, I did.
If I want to travel and its possible, I do.
My definition of success is not what car you drive, the money on your account or the status of your job, its about being able to do what you want.

So no, diving havent really been life defining for me. Have it increased my life quality? Yes, since Ive been able to pursue a thing I wanted to do, it has.

I don't know what I'd do if I was landlocked!
Probably what Im about to do.. Get on a flight to somwhere the diving is kickass :p
YES! With diving, I make sure that I try to eat right and be healthier than I would be if I didn't have something to make sure I stay healthy enough to do!

I could just blow off the gym, and sit on the couch, just as easily, but I don't!
I can't say I'm consumed by it but my wife and I do plan every vacation around diving now. We always used to go to the Caribbean before diving and now we're seeing the better side. We've said we're glad we've found a hobby we both love and can grow old doing it together. D*****, I'm glad she's into diving.
Yes, it's been a major obsession for me for the last two years. Like you I went from being cheap to spending tons of money on diving gear and charters, I ignored my (now ex) girlfriend when she wasn't as interested in diving, and find it hard to talk about anything else. It's kind of unhealthy, but I think the obsession is starting to level off now and maybe soon I'll start doing some other outdoor activities too :)
Yes it is life changing! I love it and even though it has abated over time, I still look forward to every dive trip.

I suspect that you'd receive a very lopsided answer on this forum though, after all, most of the people that dive that signed up for this board are probably more enthusiastic than others who've tried diving but have given it up. I think I remember reading somewhere that drop-out numbers are on the rise. I don't have the solid figures yet, but if I find them again, I'll post them.

That being said, I'd like to reiterate that yes indeed, diving became a life changing experience for me :D
maybe soon I'll start doing some other outdoor activities too :)

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttt!!!!!!!!:confused: :confused: :D

Crazy talk, I tell ya....just crazy.:wink:

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