I find that I've learned and RETAINED more from reading and self study, than I did from my cert course.
I think there is a lot of value in
@Eric Sedletzky 's idea has a lot of value. I look at the price of an OW class here (about $450)..... I see a market where they could do testing only for $150 and be a moneymaker for the shop, and a money saver for the student. Question becomes, who is the prospective student. A shop wouldn't rent to Joe Snuffy with no cert card.... so Joe Snuffy needs at least a friend with spare gear/a certification to get gear and tanks to train with. So that implies an available mentor to reiterate the critical safety stuff (don't hold your breath, don't ascend too fast, etc.).
I have a number of friends that I would happily lend gear, and time in my pool, to if this certification path became an option.