Is Coronavirus keeping you from booking liveaboard/overseas trips this year?

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The Greater Toronto Area is pretty much in effective lockdown. Many workplaces have told workers to work from home, including mine. My sister's workplace is closed until further notice. Her workplace also laid off all part-timers. All daycares and schools are closed until April 5th. All March Break programs are canceled. All of my recreational activities have been suspended. Even our government is closed for 5 weeks. All travelers are STRONGLY encouraged to go into 14-day self-isolation following ANY international travel. Now, international travel is stigmatized. What a dramatic shift in attitudes over the last couple of days.
Well, if I can no longer find toilet paper, I won't even leave the house, heh, heh, heh.

I was at a Peet's Coffee this morning, and they had fixed a fine chain through some spare rolls of TP, in the rest room, to avoid theft, in this "end of days . . ."
If thousands of people are on O2 around the world I wonder what that will do to oxygen prices. I bought a nitrox fill card just in case. It was cheaper than TP.

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

We refer you to the subject of this thread. Whilst a little humor is enjoyed, please try to stick closer to the subject matter.

Political commentary will not be tolerated in this thread. The Pub exists for a reason and there are existing coronavirus threads to be found in there. Please feel free to post such commentary on those Pub threads or start your own, if you feel so inclined.
Well it worked in Taiwan. Of course it did not work in Italy as many people crossed into Italy with the virus. That's open borders for you. Of course Italy banned Taiwanese claiming Taiwan is part of China which of course it never has been.

I've seen some cheap 3 day Komodo packages advertised now. Might take one when I go to Bali soon.
Republic of China is never part of mainland china. Unfortunately, plenty countries are compelled to call them as such for one obvious reason. Nearly all airlines are listing Republic of China(Taiwan) under china banner.

The epicentre of the virus has now shifted to Europe and N America. And now it is our turn to ban tourists coming to Hong Kong!!! Please bring your own supply of masks but leave the toilet paper at home. We have got over the supply(loo paper) now!!!!

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

Be careful not to tread into foreign political waters as we will not tolerate that either.
Keep checking your airlines' cancellation/rescheduling policies. They can change before you leave. Last week, our group of 7 decided to cancel our trip to Honolulu at the end of the month even if we weren't getting any money back. We purchased the cheapest "no refund/no changes" options for airfare and hotel. Our airline today just announced they will allow a one time change or credit for all fare classes. So at least for now, the money we paid for airfare is not lost. We are still trying to get a change for the hotel...and waiting for them to change policies, which may or may not happen.

Last week we were still unsure if we were overreacting. But today, our province just announced that a cancer doctor came back from Hawaii on Saturday, fell ill on Monday, and subsequently tested positive for Covid-19. Unfortunately, she went to work on Monday seeing cancer patients. We're all comfortable that we made the right decision to cancel.

Coronavirus: Physician tested positive for COVID-19 says Hamilton public health
The case at Juravinski hits home for me and I truly do wish the doctor a fast and complete recovery.

Slightly over two years ago, my brother went to Juravinski for what was expected to be a consultation. He took a dramatic and very sudden turn for the worst during the consultation. The oncologist admitted my brother for end of life care. (He died just 5 days later.) The nurse who admitted him was his niece, who still works there.

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