Iris/nemo/ Vista 32

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Mr. T

Reaction score
South Africa
# of dives
0 - 24
have seen some threads regarding that topic, but thought i open a new one to bring that topic again to the top as there is no solution as yet..

have the nemo excel and iris 2.3 for vista installed.
but the download does not want to work. all tips from Software Mares Support are not helping and the hotline has given up...

The setup looks good and the driver show successfully installed.
If i try to download the dives then the following error occurs.

[FD.OK.CL] Error Detail:
L= '41' - Error n.[9] - Subscript out of range
Pls report this error at IRIS Support at

This error happens right away after i press download.
When i have tried the same on XP then there comes another pop up dialog
that i shall press Ok in Iris and Enter on the Nemo. Under Vista it does not reach
this dialog at all... .

Has anyone managed to download the dives under vista(32) ?

Sorry for the quick reply, I am out of the US at the moment. I know they are working on the Vista update, as soon as I have the timing I will post.



I am Govert from Holland. I`ve bought the Nemo Exel last januari and I am experiencing the exact same problem. I immediately send a mail to but up till now still no answer. Now I read the problem is already known since june 2008. Does this mean the problem still hasn`t been solved? And did I buy something from Mares of wich Mares knows already since june 2008 it`s impossible to work with? Or did I miss something about the solution for this problem. Please let me know!

Thank you and
Kind regards
Govert Pelkmans
Etten-Leur (Holland)

I am Govert from Holland. I`ve bought the Nemo Exel last januari and I am experiencing the exact same problem. I immediately send a mail to but up till now still no answer. Now I read the problem is already known since june 2008. Does this mean the problem still hasn`t been solved? And did I buy something from Mares of wich Mares knows already since june 2008 it`s impossible to work with? Or did I miss something about the solution for this problem. Please let me know!

Thank you and
Kind regards
Govert Pelkmans
Etten-Leur (Holland)

Joining this thread after a frustrating time trying to get my Nemo to work with IRIS, with a USB converter, on Vista 32. Following numerous exchanges and suggestions (most of which I'd tried already) from Mares Software support, including installing the MSIBlast and VISA stuff, then IRIS v2.3 then the latest v 2.4 beta of the software, I'm still getting the 'subscript' error. So here we are, a year, or years down the line and still with a faulty product that Mares don't seem to know how to fix. Bear in mind also, that I happen to be someone who knows how to install a programme on a PC. Lots of people aren't, so I wonder how much longer they would have been battling with this issue to no avail. Out of interest, why don't Mares Software support have a phone line you can talk to them on - even if it was premium rate it would be better than week after week of getting nowhere.

A couple of my mates are buying computers and are asking if I would recommend Mares. Not sure what to tell them....

Phil, if you're reading this, it would be great to hear your view!
Hello Mr. T.
After months of communicating with Mares they still didn`t come up with a usefull solution. But some computer nerd gave me a possible solution and now it`s working (nearly) perfect. It`s simple, just use serial port 4 and, just before downloading, switch off your user account. Ofcourse you can leave your user-account disengaged, but I think that won`t be safe. So, I switch off my user account just before downloading and I switch it on again after I`ve downloaded my logbook. As I said, nearly perfect, because you can only check your logged dives in IRIS with your user account switched off and you have to restart your computer every time. But at least the program is working this way. Maybe, just maybe Mares will come with a better solution within a short time, but in the mean time I`ve given up hope. Maybe a Suunto next time???

Hope I`ve been a help for you, please let me know.
Good luck
Hello Mr. T.
After months of communicating with Mares they still didn`t come up with a usefull solution. But some computer nerd gave me a possible solution and now it`s working (nearly) perfect. It`s simple, just use serial port 4 and, just before downloading, switch off your user account. Ofcourse you can leave your user-account disengaged, but I think that won`t be safe. So, I switch off my user account just before downloading and I switch it on again after I`ve downloaded my logbook. As I said, nearly perfect, because you can only check your logged dives in IRIS with your user account switched off and you have to restart your computer every time. But at least the program is working this way. Maybe, just maybe Mares will come with a better solution within a short time, but in the mean time I`ve given up hope. Maybe a Suunto next time???

Hope I`ve been a help for you, please let me know.
Good luck

Hi - interesting but not straightforward then! What if you are using USB ports though - I have no serial ports which I think is part of the problem in the first place?

Comments welcome!

Hi John,
Maybe my mistake, not being an expert concerning computer-business. What I mean is that you have to set a serial port in the IRIS-program itself. You will find it under "file" and then "data download". Ofcourse I use USB also, but the program itself requeres some adjustments also.
Hope it will help you this time. For the rest you have to do as I mentioned earlier.

Many greetings from another Mares-"fan".
I all,

I'm in Italy and I've the same problem for Windows XP and VISTA 32 bit, like Mr.T!

there are news ?
I had write to and them send my a procedure step by step for change a pc port (COMx) in COM7, and put the same in IRIS profile, but....... on my computer this COM was busy !

however I can't download nothing same from XP with IRIS 2.3 and 2.4 software release... !!!
wow cant believe how many people have the same problems. Im in the same boat. Been trying for months to get this working. I have windows XP. I will try the user account options and see where that gets me.
I dont like the fact that Mares cant help and its not like its a cheap product.
Sounds like its a world wide problem as im from south africa.

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