Invitation to Dive Ginnie 5/24

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HarleyDiver once bubbled...

If you check everyone's profile you may note that this group is over-represented in the computer-geek department.


I'm not a computer geek. I'm lucky they even give me a computer at work.
FallenMatt once bubbled...
hmm... my motorolla startac work @ ginnie, although it switches to analog mode there..
verizon wireless service...

I have Alltel- what crap. Can't wait for the contract to end. Smoke signals would be more effective.;-0
here a geek, there a geek, everywhere a geek geek...
Ginnie Springs was filled with Geeks!
Oh I gotta go!

I think there was a typo in my bible... it should read the Geek shall inherit the earth. :tease:
NetDoc once bubbled...
... it should read the Geek shall inherit the earth. :tease:
Muuhhaaahaahaa........muuuhhaaahhaaahaaa.......muuhhaaahhaaahaa :egrin:

Just an head is as congested as I-4 during a "rubber-necker" accident in the opposite lane. Hopefully with some NyQuil and some Sudafed it will clear up. Sarah normally has problems equalizing, so we should be able to keep up with each other :sigh:.

The Chili's salsa thing didn't pan out, so we'll just pick up some finger foods the morning of.

See ya'll tomorrow.
exempt from jargon file:

Originally, a `geek' was a carnival performer who bit the heads off chickens.

full definition:

""Jargon File (4.3.0, 30 APR 2001)"
geek n. A person who has chosen concentration rather than conformity;
one who pursues skill (especially technical skill) and imagination, not
mainstream social acceptance. Geeks usually have a strong case of
neophilia. Most geeks are adept with computers and treat hacker as a
term of respect, but not all are hackers themselves - and some who _are_
in fact hackers normally call themselves geeks anyway, because they
(quite properly) regard `hacker' as a label that should be bestowed by
others rather than self-assumed.

One description ( accurately
if a little breathlessly enumerates "gamers, ravers, science fiction
fans, punks, perverts, programmers, nerds, subgenii, and trekkies. These
are people who did not go to their high school proms, and many would be
offended by the suggestion that they should have even wanted to."

Originally, a `geek' was a carnival performer who bit the heads off
chickens. Before about 1990 usage of this term was rather negative.
Earlier versions of this lexicon defined a `computer geek' as one who
eats (computer) bugs for a living - an asocial, malodorous, pasty-faced
monomaniac with all the personality of a cheese grater. This is often
still the way geeks are regarded by non-geeks, but as the mainstream
culture becomes more dependent on technology and technical skill
mainstream attitudes have tended to shift towards grudging respect.
Correspondingly, there are now `geek pride' festivals (the implied
reference to `gay pride' is not accidental).

See also propeller head, clustergeeking, geek out, wannabee,
terminal junkie, spod, weenie, geek code."
What an awesome day... and the dives were pretty cool too!

Special thanks go to those who brought food! AND if you ever get the chance, nay the luxury to sample a "Harley Burger"
Don't say "NO"!!!

Many thanks to Wendy, our intrepid (tho reluctant) leader.

And thanks for the GREAT attitudes that everyone had. Problems presented themselves, and we all did our level best to solve them.

Highlights of our dives... The ballroom was "grand". Of course, I did the impossible. When the reg on my long hose had a minor but persistent free flow, I turned it off and went to my bungeed second. But shortly thereafter my bungeed second VIOLENTLY free flowed and would not repent... I ended my dive.

The "drift dive" to the river and back.

Lunch was "Harley burgers" and whatever possible type chip you wanted. We were eying the guys cooking shrimp with their chopsticks though (Yeah Wendy, I think we can take 'em).

On the second dive we learned a LOT about Wendy...
first... she asked me to "turn her on"
second... she asked us to check out her "crack"
third... she hid a quarter (I ain't a sayin' where)
fourth... She had a beer while diving (someone post that pic quick)(If you drink, don't dive)
fifth... she poked a poor flounder for the halibut!

After all was said and done... I must admit, that a good time was had by all.
OMG I wish I could of been there! lol
NetDoc once bubbled...

Many thanks to Wendy, our intrepid (tho reluctant) leader.

On the second dive we learned a LOT about Wendy...
first... she asked me to "turn her on"
second... she asked us to check out her "crack"
third... she hid a quarter (I ain't a sayin' where)
fourth... She had a beer while diving (someone post that pic quick)(If you drink, don't dive)
fifth... she poked a poor flounder for the halibut!

After all was said and done... I must admit, that a good time was had by all.

I got to say something here before the board gets the wrong idea.

First...I meant turn on my air
second....not my crack silly handed me that quarter, i had to put it somewhere
fourth....that Corona was capped, at least it wasn't an 101 oz Heiny
Fifth...did you see that look in that flounder's eyes? I was protecting you guys, he was about to attack (attack of the 3" flouders, it could happen).

I had a great time too. We had 10 scubaboarders there! Hopefully we can get as many when we dive Blue Heron Bridge.
I had a great time too. We had 10 scubaboarders there! Hopefully we can get as many when we dive Blue Heron Bridge.

Ehhh I wanna come I wanna come!!!

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