Inverted pony hose routing

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Those of you who dive with your pony bottles upside down: how do you route your reg and SPG? Seems to me the reg would be coming up at an odd angle, making it somewhat difficult to hold in your mouth. Thinking of trying it myself, but want some ideas on logistics. Thanks.
Hi Sorry can't answer your question but I hope someone here does cause I got a pony
last week which i've mounted and was looking at hose routing. Can you mount an SPG
straight to a 1st stage? or would getting a short HP hose made be a better option.
I mount my pony upside down using a ponease mount ( see

I also now dive a bungeed wing. I take the reg hose from the pony and slide it under the bungee straps. That keeps it nice and snug and from flailing about. The reg itself is secured on my right hip with a rubber retainer. The bottle is placed in the mount such that when I let my right hand just fall back, it just naturally falls to the position of the valve on the pony. And no, I have no tendency to roll to one side because of the bottle.

One thing to be careful least IMHO. Make sure you mount the bottle high enough so that when you take off your rig and set it down....the main tank is what hits the ground and not the pony valve. That is one reason I like the ponease mount as the bottle is "permanently" mounted to it...and the whole system is mounted to the cam straps by a pressure plate system. And you can adjust how high or low it sits.

A second benefit to the ponease is since it does mount to the cam straps of the bcd being used....there are not tank mounts to have to carry along for rental tanks.

I also used the system when I was diving a SeaQuest Pro QD...vest style...bcd. As for routing then.....I used a plastic clip system that hooked to a dring on the bcd and the hose would be held securely into my side by the clip. Rarely did it get pulled out unexpectedly.

Not sure about the SPG question. Do you mean you want a gauge of some kind on your pony?? I had one but found it useless. I take a couple of pulls to ensure all is working well before each dive....and after a day of diving I have my pony topped off. I personally found the money spent on a pony bottle guage to be better suited elsewhere. But if you want one...go for it.

Now it is only a matter of time before all the same people that have done it before...come on here again...and tell you that you (and I) are idiots for not slinging the bottle. It is all in how you look at its purpose. For me, it is NEVER to extend my dive time. And, it is NEVER to be handed off. If someone has a problem, thats why I have an octo. I consider every dive...even those with good be a solo dive. Self sufficiency is critical IMHO. But there are those who disagree and will vehemently say so.......and the count down starts...............
Good post Rich! Good reasons to use a back mounted pony imo. Self sufficiency is critical no matter what the naysayers preach.
Now it is only a matter of time before all the same people that have done it before...come on here again...and tell you that you (and I) are idiots for not slinging the bottle. It is all in how you look at its purpose. For me, it is NEVER to extend my dive time. And, it is NEVER to be handed off. If someone has a problem, thats why I have an octo. I consider every dive...even those with good be a solo dive. Self sufficiency is critical IMHO. But there are those who disagree and will vehemently say so.......and the count down starts...............

"Self sufficiency is critical..." Agreed. But, part of being self sufficient IS having that buddy. Think about it... hard...

Ponys are for backup to a faliure to the main air supply only.
BigboyDan....if you read the post closely...I did not mention anything about diving solo, other than I believe every dive with a good buddy....emphasizing that it can be worse with a bad buddy.... to be a solo dive. My feelings about solo diving arent up for discussion in this thread as it is about pony bottles.

Not to be really nit picky....but depending on someone else is not self sufficiency. Not even least IMHO....but I defend your right to your opinion.
I never dive with a bad buddy either. I gave up cattle boats long-ago, and I will NOT dive with just anyone anymore. Also, I don't "depend" on any one person (buddy) or any one thing (equipment), my redundancies have redundancies. The buddy is a thinking, interpreting, and reacting part of that redundancy; AND, don't ever forget, his need of you to be his buddy is an integral part of YOUR diveplan.
Not sure about the SPG question. Do you mean you want a gauge of some kind on your pony?? I had one but found it useless. I take a couple of pulls to ensure all is working well before each dive....and after a day of diving I have my pony topped off. I personally found the money spent on a pony bottle guage to be better suited elsewhere. But if you want one...go for it.

So you leave it charged during your dive. How can you tell if it's leaking all the air out during your dive?
Well...its like life....there are some things you just dont know about. If you are diving with someone....they can tell you if you have a leak at the bottle area. You should be able to know if your reg is is pretty obvious. Other than that....I am not sure what you mean. It really isnt that complicated. You will have a leak nomally at one of two bottle and 1st stage itself. If you are diving with a buddy that shouldnt be a problem to discover. If you are solo diving...hold your breath....i careful...and then rotate to see if you have any bubbles going up....if not...youre good. If you have a buddy...then he or she should see you have a leak. If its a free flow at the second stage...then reach back and turn off the pony...then turn on slowly....if it still free one of two things....get the reg tuned a little harder...or...and this is not good...dive with the pony turned off....and turn it on only when needed. NOT RECOMMENDED>
Point made. I've heard too many stories though of people with pony's back mounted that haven't checked them, needed them, found them to be empty, and then found that Murphy had taken over their dive.

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