Hi AcezHigh...TTL is actually quite simple. The camera handles picture exposure automatically (unless you put it into FULL MANUAL MODE - then the user controls exposure fully)...When a camera has a strobe or flash, then in order for it to still handle exposure automatically - with this addition of synthetic light - it depends on various types TTL. If you are using strobes for macro shots, TTL can be decently reliable. As the shot gets wider & further away from macro distances, then TTL underwater becomes more & more unreliable the further the subjects are from the camera lens. Most wide angle shooters with strobes rarely bother with TTL as it is usually UNRELIABLE. The unreliability is because the camera cannot predict issues like: - good to bad visibility - light absorption by the water...which is much higher than air...& is also dependent on visibility... Can you start to see the difficulty a camera & TTL have to predict correct exposure in wide angle photography? Hope this helps! Alex