Why would you? You both have the same view of the agencies and it comes out in your posts. You are so inured to it that you simply can not see your bias.
I see where Mike has made 9 posts in this thread (have I missed some?) in 189, he did not dicuss this accident, nor in 196 or 207, or 209, 210, 215. Those were all about children diving with parents. In 216, he explained why some instructors get an undeserved bad rap. In 217 he told of a short coming he sees in some standards. In 220, he explained, in response to a question, exactly what he meant in 217.
In 221, you claimed he was bashing agencies, but you didn't back up your claim with facts, even after you were asked to produce them. The facts don't support your view. If I'm mistaken, pull out the standards and show us. We're willing to look at facts. Please show me where I'm wrong. Please show me where Mike is wrong.
Where do you see these implications that Mike said this poor young woman was under trained? We know nothing of her training. Anything we say about her training good or bad is pure speculation and has no place in this thread. If anyone has said anything about it, I've missed it. If you've seen where Mike has implied it, please quote it and point it out.
You are so inured to it that you simply can not see your bias.
Can you see yours? I've always thought of you as open to discussion. I've always thought of you as supporting quality training. It appears you have recently decided that quality is no longer something to be desired. I know there has to be another explanation, because that is not the Pete I know and love.