insane suit?

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Would it be too far fetched to fill a dry suit with a dense liquid such as vegetable oil?
The liquid would act as a thermal barrier, compress less than air and have no boyancy issues. Someone please tell me why this is "oil suit" is an insane idea? Thank you.
I know others will chime in with more in depth analysis, but as far as buoyancy issues, I believe oil floats on water, therefore a buoyancy issue.
I know others will chime in with more in depth analysis, but as far as buoyancy issues, I believe oil floats on water, therefore a buoyancy issue.

What he said.....Oil floats
Getting in and out of the suit would be interesting.
I think I saw something like that at a bachelor party once. :11:
But oil in a container would sink wouldnt it??
But oil in a container would sink wouldnt it??

Might want to check the physics on that one...
Apart from the issues above I believe oil has better thermal conductivity than water....

Would it be too far fetched to fill a dry suit with a dense liquid such as vegetable oil?
The liquid would act as a thermal barrier, compress less than air and have no boyancy issues. Someone please tell me why this is "oil suit" is an insane idea? Thank you.
Would it be too far fetched to fill a dry suit with a dense liquid such as vegetable oil?
The liquid would act as a thermal barrier, compress less than air and have no boyancy issues. Someone please tell me why this is "oil suit" is an insane idea? Thank you.

I don't have the tables handy, but oil (and almost any other liquid I'm aware of) conducts heat much better than air, and would be a bad choice for insulation.


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