You can't do 'clear-cut accident without speculation'. There is always gonna be some speculation. Last thing people need is more 'leadership' on SB. There is way too much censorship going on as it is, most discussions are controlled by PADI/SSI instructor and or Mods, even the discussions about cave diving accidents... people aren't that stupid, they can decide for themselves whether something is BS or not.
Well.... without getting into too much of a discussion about semantics with you, there is speculation in the sense of presenting a theory that seems to fit the facts as a way to create an avenue for investigation and there is what happens on some of these threads.
What I think happens on a lot of discussion forums to one extent or another is that people start off in these discussions with preconceived assumptions about the causes and then they try to spin a theory that supports that assumption. That is what I would call a POV (point of view) warrior, someone who is out to push a world view, sometimes (in the worst cases) with no regard whatsoever for the facts. I guess you can see them like politicians in a campaign race, and just like politicians they can gain support for a standpoint by having a big mouth and being assertive and people will start to believe in the person even if the message is disconnected from reality. And just as you can see around you how many people will vote for a politician who hardly ever tells the truth, you will start to see on these threads--and in fact on almost any thread, most of which are less sensitive--that the fan club will start parroting what their ring-leaders are saying.
The problem with breaking out of this cycle is that you would need to have input from people who do accident analysis in the real world. Actual experts who are willing and able to lead the discussions through neutral, logic based, fact supported cases using widely accepted methodologies. This would make the cases dull to some people because people get on those and many other threads to cheer-lead, not to think things through methodically. There has been some discussion about this in the past on SB and I think you would be surprised how involved it really it.
Moreover, and I think this comes back to what I was saying before, such an analysis cannot EVER be done based upon hearsay. The analysis would have to be done by a neutral 3rd party who has access to the actual factual evidence, which we very seldom, if ever, have. I just think it's really difficult to have a meaningful discussion about an accident that we can really learn from.
That's not to say that none of the discussions we have here are valuable, but we shouldn't hold up the pretense that it is an accident analysis. SB has some bona fide experts around and when they do check in on discussions you can immediately see the effect it has on the level of the discussion. To that end, I wouldn't call people "stupid" or suggest that MODs think this, as you mentioned in your post, so much as "ignorant". It's hard to wage such a discussion knowledgeably when we are unaware of our own inabilities.
To that end, I think that moderation in the A&I forum should be very strict if we assume to want to learn anything. I'm not sure that MODs are always in the best position to moderate these threads, tbh, but I am completely convinced that they do this with integrity and to the absolute best of their abilities..... and to be perfectly frank, it is my experience (I used to be a MOD so I do actually have some experience) that the people who are quickest to play the "censorship" card and the most vocal about the failings of moderators are more often than not the POV warriors who feel penis blocked by being held accountable for what they are saying. Of course, that's my personal opinion, but I have had some years to study the issue from close up.