It’s a government agency of a non-affluent Asian country - what do you expect? Maybe a few years down the line a retiring government employee will notice and decide to do good on the last day of his job…It's just crazy that the government agency in charge of promoting SCUBA in the Philippines doesn't maintain a comprehensive up to date list of the local recompression chambers. (I didn't find on online either.)

In my country (also known as an IT “superpower”), government websites are some of the worst (beginning with UI/UX design) and look like something from the 80s but written by a high school kid still struggling with coding and a brain that doesn’t comprehend the larger picture - So much that navigating them make me want to throw up in disgust. The only exceptions being a few notable globally renowned successes like the digital payments infrastructure.
Reading all the recent posts about bad experiences with insurance and bent divers, I am glad I finally got a credit card after years of never possessing one. I feel really lucky now that I never got bent in the first 10 years of my diving without a credit card. I think a CC should be on the default top of the list of any SCUBA gear recommendation discussions.
PS: Primary Insurer only means you don’t need (in legal speak) an existing Insurance cover from another agency. Not to be confused with words like primacy or superior or whatever…