MikeFerrara:It's the only place that I've seen it to that magnitude.
Lake Wazee in Wisconsin is just as cold, 355 ft deep and gets a fair amount of traffic with lots of technical training going on. There's no one there to inspect deep dive plans or police things in any other way yet we don't hear of anywhere near the number of accidents there. I'm not sure I've ever heard of any for that matter.
Haigh isn't as deep but it sure gets the crowds but I don't think I've heard of any injuries there.
I can't think of any off the top of my head at Mermet either...again a fairly deep cold quarry.
That place in Joplin Missouri? I can remember one rebreather death and nothing else comes to mind yet it's far deeper than Gilboa with cave entrances (mine shafts) down there.
Gilboa seems to be the epicenter of the midwest.
From a management perspective, Mike does more than other quarry owners as far as I can tell. There's certainly nothing remarkable about the diving environment. The temperature is typical for the region and it isn't very deep. The number of divers isn't any greater than a couple of the other midwest sites.
I really think that it's just in the center of some of the worst diving and instruction that you could find anywhere. If those same divers were going to Wazee there would be a huge pile of them below the second ledge at about 215.
I've been to the quarries you mentioned Mike and never realized, but you are pretty spot on. I have seen some dangerous stuff at Haigh, but perhaps it's not deep enough to get the accidents that Gilboa has, as most seem to be on the deep side.
In fact I was at Gilboa with you last year when a dad and child chased the mom who was shooting to the surface from the plane. ( we discussed it at length over malted hops with Wagner and Popeye ). I was there during DUI days when a diver died, in fact I helped bring him in. I have not seen anywhere near the incompetence at Wazee. I'm not sure why Gilboa sees more than it's share of accidents. Maybe because so many use it for training. It's a nice site that can have great vis for a quarry when the bottom walkers are not around. Perhaps they need a better grasp on approving dives on the deep side.