Thanks for all the info Don, I think you nailed it. . . . I had left my gloves at home, one of my buddies had one tattered right hand glove and offered it to me, which I took figuring hey, better to be able to hold on to something with one hand than none if I need to . . . . well my Michael Jackson look must have been the trick to keep this from having happened to both wrists/hands as it only appears on my left wrist. thing is still looking kind of nasty, but just real puffy and irritated, I'm hoping that it goes away but as said in a different post, I guess if it was something from a jellyfish or coral that it may last a few weeks. But you are correct, won't be doing any lines without gloves on from now on. Was looking for a Monty Python Black Night flesh wound joke, but man, if I start looking anything like that I would defintiely be in the ER. . . My spot of question definitely doesn't look like a wound at all, there's no scabbing or anything that would indicate I got cut, just a rash.