As I said above the gauges must be on your own person or the dive gets aborted immediately. Computers are not a requirement for diving, but knowing and understanding the tables are whether you use a computer or not.
Shore diving will allow you to gain confidence and learn buoyancy in an environment where making a small mistake does not carry the repercussions of corking to the surface on a blue water ascent from 70 feet.
Excellent point, I've noticed that the depth on the watch I had is not completely accurate/always reliable and really I just guess I wasn't thinking "worst case scenario" like getting separated from someone who has fully functioning guages, but had that happened . . . I see where it would be very important to know your depth. I realize now that really a lot of things
could have happened to have turned it into a potentially dangerous situation and that next time I need to have that mindset, no need to be at risk if there is a way to avoid it (abort).
I get them a lot, and sometimes the "rash" will last for several weeks. I don't believe skin bends would manifest as a small rash on a wrist
This is a relief, I know it's just an opinion but glad to hear that I wouldn't be the only one to have had a symptom like this and turn out non-DCS related. I think I spent enough time in this forum prior to diving to make me question every goosebump and burp after diving, then I get this weird rash and start reading about skin bends freaking myself out, had I not actually posted about it I'd be having nightmares about cartoonish nitrogen bubbles chasing me around a hyperbaric chamber. . . The spot, like I had said, does get pretty puffy when irritated, but I guess I was just worried because the tiny bumps are roundish "bubbly" feeling, but it's definitely isolated to one spot and no other symptoms (aside from my random carpal tunnel like symptoms that I get in my left pinkie from working at a desk with poor ergonomics for a long time, pinkie gets numb from out of nowhere, but this has been something ongoing from before I ever started diving, but it feels similar to I'm sure the DCS related numbness would, where nerves are compressed by something. . didn't happen after this dive, flared up at one point in the week for a few minutes but that's how its always happened, went away after I got up and walked around)
When were you certified?
How many lifetime dives had you had at the time that the dives in question occurred?
What agency trained you?
Where did you get trained?
Prior to the dives in question, what was your deepest dive?
How old are you?
It's okay to be skittish. Your first boat dive probably should not have been to a wreck lying in 60 feet of water.
OW Certified with PADI in October 2009 in Central FL, I'm 26. Prior to this my OW checkout dives had been my deepest, 35 fsw in a lake, aside from the checkouts my only other dive was a very shallow shore dive looking for shark teeth and practicing skills in venice beach fl. I agree that it would have been and would be best to do those type of more comfortable dives before doing the one I did, but the opportunity was there . . . I did have a mindset once I was in the water and feeling comfortable that if at any point I felt out of comfort, I was going to stop. Was actually very surprised at how comfortable the whole underwater part was, I didn't have any problem adjusting to the slight current and felt that it was a really good dive aside from the mistakes pointed out. . . with the way they do those descent lines from the bow to the wreck, I actually felt like it was a pretty simple one too (but only once I was in, as stated, I was freaked about it before I was actually under the water. . really was just a shame that I used up all that air freaking out). I wasn't like spitting regulator out flailing wildly freaking out, just in my head and breathing too heavy. Oh and by the way. . the deck was 60 feet, sand was 80 ;-). I was deeper on the drift/reef dive, which I just wasn't thinking about because thats what everyone on the boat was doing for the 2nd dive, is it odd that an op would take you to a shallower dive first? After we came up is when I remembered about how youre supposed to do your deepest dive first.