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My experience with fraudulent credit card use is the banks don't lose jack - it's the business where the fraudulent credit card was used that gets stuck with the loss. I worked at a small internet catalog and had to deal with this many times. If we shipped merchandise we were the ones that lost out ($$) when the charges were reversed. I would call banks to verify on overseas orders where the automatic in-country safeguards weren't applicable (address verification). If it was fraud we'd not only lose out on the merchandise but the shipping charges as well. Saved us many a time.

OTOH, Chase called me once to verify I'd bought RT tickets to Rome... nope. The only time I'd used that card was to anchor my Skype account. Hmmm. I think the CC co's have ramped up their fraud prevention... not perfect but better than before.

I see it like they are forced to eat losses, even if from cardholder carelessness, so they should be trying hard to stop fraud. In fact they don't. I seized a stack of cloned cards involving a skad of banks. The banks for the most part didn't have time to cooperate. Out of well in excess of 20, I only got 3 I think to submit a statement of losses so I could get the court to order restitution. The rest just wrote it off. With the criminals, the loot and the evidence, they let them get away with a lot of it. Instead they got mucklighter hits for just having altered cards. So I kinda have a different perspective.
Ok, why? Tipping is for services, right? It seems like we're tipping people to do their jobs.

My daughter & I differ on tipping maids: I do, she won't - and I can't really defend why I do.

I remember a cartoon strip that ran over several days several weeks ago. One lady wondered why there was a tip jar on the counter where she placed her order, a feeling I share. Talking with a second lady, the latter said she tipped. When asked why and further discussed, the second lady was the only one who enjoyed orders done correctly.

I don't mind tipping my dive crew as they certainly seem to strive to serve. I had a private boat today, no one else booked, but they took me out, took excellent care of me, and I tipped extra - not enough to make up for the lack of customers, but some.

I despise the system. I don't know how to change it. The poor business owners are stuck paying low wages so they can keep their dive/room/meal costs down to compete with other businesses who also expect their employees to be paid by the customers. Maybe the best way would be for a business to make tipping absolutely forbidden and pay and charge enough to make things work. I frequent only one business in Mexico that works that way and it is a great place serving both locals and tourists. Great prices, great service and friendly employees who absolutely will not take a tip of any sort.
Ok, why? Tipping is for services, right? It seems like we're tipping people to do their jobs.

I know you go there a lot but I guess the hard working people that are up every morning making sure the gringos have their eggs before spending more on a 2 tank dive than they make In a week, you could care less about. . I spend 90%of my time with the locals and so prefer it that way. . You wanted a response there you go. They make no money and if leaving them a extra $1 causes. you this much grief . I feel sorry for you. Lifes to short.
I know you go there a lot but I guess the hard working people that are up every morning making sure the gringos have their eggs before spending more on a 2 tank dive than they make In a week, you could care less about. . I spend 90%of my time with the locals and so prefer it that way. . You wanted a response there you go. They make no money and if leaving them a extra $1 causes. you this much grief . I feel sorry for you. Lifes to short.
The expected holier than thou answer. Ok fine.
Or, realize that you are most likely the absolute definition of privilege, and you could use some of the extra wealth you've obtained as such to help marginalized people.
The expected holier than thou answer. Ok fine.

Well, you know, you ask questions like you do and you're going to get some answers that I guess you were hoping not to get. Tipping can be somewhat personal when it comes to gratuities for services you're talking about, some people may feel strongly one way or another but it comes down to whatever seems right to you is what's right.
Or, realize that you are most likely the absolute definition of privilege, and you could use some of the extra wealth you've obtained as such to help marginalized people.
Yeah yeah - nope. I am not. But still...

Mexico is a big country: 761,606 sq mi. with 19,530,753 people. How many of them do I owe tips for simply showing up for work - whether they do it or not? Of those, 100,000 live on Coz, the vast majority coming from the mainland for their piece of the bonanza - and I am owe them something? Lordie. There are billions worldwide that we could help, and we try - and I support helping the needy worldwide, but you people who want me to pack 40# of extra luggage to violate treaties and laws just irritate me.

The Bank of Mexico, a branch of government, took Cancun island from the owners to develop it to attract USAmerican, and it expanded from there. I came to do business at their posted rates, and I have been courteous about it. So bite me.

Well, you know, you ask questions like you do and you're going to get some answers that I guess you were hoping not to get.
No, I am just tired of these holier than thou people telling me where to pass out contributions. Let them give away their life savings, good for them, but stop ragging me for not being one of them.
On a side note, how was your dive today? Hopefully it went well :)
Great day. I had a private boat, no one else booked, but they took me out anyway. I hated to see them lose money like that, but appreciated it. I did ask if there were any good sites close by, Jorge suggested Santa Rosa Wall, so we did that, took a SI at Paradise Beach with Watermelon, then another wall half as deep. Jorge helped me find some Toadfish and Rockfish, and there were many other great sights. I did tip extra, not enough to make up for the empty seats, but some.

Had a nice dive trip siesta, went across the street for a Fresca & huge shrimp burrito, strolled around around the plaza, and read the news online along with some FB and putting up with ragging from these people who want me to donate to their favorite causes, which they deliver in such passive aggressive ways.

It was a good day overall, but then as I was trying to tell myself to get offline - I received the nicest email I've received all year, about my headstone making project. It just blew me away. Here, I'll share it with names removed...

"Hello, My sister, and I want to express our gratitude to you for making a marker for our father's grave site. We are in the process of designing a stone for him with Sadler monument. We would like to pay you for the stone or at least make a donation to your noble cause. Once we have his new stone set we would like to place yours in our garden at home. It is something we will treasure. Thank you again for your generosity. In Christian Love"
I replied thanking them for their kind missive, a few words of my memory of their dad, and told them I am honored that they want to keep mine when they replace it.
Ah, that is so nice, DandyDan! Really nice!
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