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North Central, Tx
I just wanted to let everybody know that I am back home and able to access the internet again. I have been gone for the last month or so trying to help an elderly aunt get settled into a new convelesant center as well as trying to get her finances and loose ends tied up. I don't know if any of you have ever had to do anything like that, but this was my first time to handle a situation like this and it was very exhausting both physically and emotionaly, and without the help of my beautiful God-sent wife and the grace of God I don't think I could have done it. Anyway, it is good to be back and I am looking forward to chatting on the board again.

P.S. By the way, the Possum Kingdom Trip is still on!!!:)
You have my sympathies...been there in almost the exact same place! It's hard but you'll be glad you made the decisions you had to.

Keep us posted on the PK trip. You might want to re-post the dates and final arrangements since everything sort of evolved over several postings.
JT-I know you don't know me but accept my sympathy too...
I hope to meet you (and everyone else) at PK this year (if I make it.) I know placing a loved one in the care of another leads to a lot of problems in the onset, esp. things like the guilt one may feel at the enjoyment of free time or not having to worry about the significant other as much...
I do not know if it was someone you are taking care of on a full time basis or just had to deal with it, but its never easy whatever the case only time can heal the pain or thoughts of guilt associated with these things....
Ok psychological rant over with

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