Locally (landlocked NW)?
Simple, teach people HOW to dive and not sell them on the next course.
I see too many 'local' divers with less than 20 dives and 10 certifications (seems like), with next to no actual dives outside of a course! .... I was apart of an ICE course a few years ago, all other students were AOW and many specialties. It wasn't until after the first day I actually asked how many dives they had .... on average 15 dives!
The HOW?
Stop conducting 10 courses with 20 students with 1-2 instructors and 5 DM's over a weekend (all dives are done separately)
Invite OW divers to the final dives of OW courses, so divers can meet and get away from the stigma of 'I'm a new diver, people don't want to dive with new divers'
Actually do 'real' dives for the OW portion. Teach new students the dive site, and how to efficiently dive. I see way too many divers take 20 minutes just to put on fins in ponds! They spend hours getting into and out of the water for a 10-15 minute dive because they either get cold, or blow through an AL80 in 4-5m of water!
And a personal rant ... STOP PUSHING SM TO NEW DIVERS! I've yet to meet a diver, let alone an instructor that dives SM actually can dive it properly, or efficiently (OK, exaggeration, I know quite a few awesome SM divers, who rarely dive up here from this area). I've done a few dives with a few shop owners, and their staff (who all 'have to dive SM for xyz reasons). I'll wait until they are in the water, with ALL of their gear (it takes them a few attempts), then I'll start changing into my drysuit, walk from the street with my BM rig and be ready to dive before they can figure out how to clip in their 6" boltsnap or keychain oversized carabiner to their SM rig ......... then they forget that they need more weight for the rig as they realize they can't sink without 30lbs of lead with double steels and drysuits in fresh water .. on average, it takes them (shop owners and instructors an HOUR to get geared up once they hit the water ... no exaggeration) ... end of rant.
Simple, teach people HOW to dive and not sell them on the next course.
I see too many 'local' divers with less than 20 dives and 10 certifications (seems like), with next to no actual dives outside of a course! .... I was apart of an ICE course a few years ago, all other students were AOW and many specialties. It wasn't until after the first day I actually asked how many dives they had .... on average 15 dives!
The HOW?
Stop conducting 10 courses with 20 students with 1-2 instructors and 5 DM's over a weekend (all dives are done separately)
Invite OW divers to the final dives of OW courses, so divers can meet and get away from the stigma of 'I'm a new diver, people don't want to dive with new divers'
Actually do 'real' dives for the OW portion. Teach new students the dive site, and how to efficiently dive. I see way too many divers take 20 minutes just to put on fins in ponds! They spend hours getting into and out of the water for a 10-15 minute dive because they either get cold, or blow through an AL80 in 4-5m of water!
And a personal rant ... STOP PUSHING SM TO NEW DIVERS! I've yet to meet a diver, let alone an instructor that dives SM actually can dive it properly, or efficiently (OK, exaggeration, I know quite a few awesome SM divers, who rarely dive up here from this area). I've done a few dives with a few shop owners, and their staff (who all 'have to dive SM for xyz reasons). I'll wait until they are in the water, with ALL of their gear (it takes them a few attempts), then I'll start changing into my drysuit, walk from the street with my BM rig and be ready to dive before they can figure out how to clip in their 6" boltsnap or keychain oversized carabiner to their SM rig ......... then they forget that they need more weight for the rig as they realize they can't sink without 30lbs of lead with double steels and drysuits in fresh water .. on average, it takes them (shop owners and instructors an HOUR to get geared up once they hit the water ... no exaggeration) ... end of rant.