What BCD do you dive now? There are some lighter weight options as Nemrod pointed out but without going the full minimalist route.I meant the whole rig is heavy to trudge across sand for a shore dive or to climb a ladder with, but I was renting aluminum 80's so if I could go back to a steel 72 or something like that maybe I could carry a 19 if I had help rigging, practice, and maybe some gym training. I have back pain already that comes and goes so trying to avoid that!
Steel 72 are nice weight wise but for backmount and as a petite female they are a bit long for me at least. Look at the HP 80's. Or even the 100's. They are often available to rent in the WPB area. I have a set of all three but love the 80's best. Taller divers often complain of trim issues but I haven't had a problem with them. And at least one dive shop in the WPB area will give a really sweet fill on HP tanks.
Don't rule out another 13 cf or even the 6. I would guess your sac probably runs pretty darn low and the 6 cf should give enough for a decent ascent and 3 minute stop at 15 but no real margin of error. Add a lighter reg set, preferably one that you can detune to lower the risk of freeflow. Very doable. Leisurepro has a 6 for around 100 dollars shipped. The regulator will be the pricier item. Used is an option but then you got the cost of service. Then of course there is the ... Spare Air. There, I said it.
Off topic.
For chronic back pain you don't need a gym. Routine core exercises are key. Yoga is wonder for this and many other health issues. I attended a conference where Dr Metzl, a well know sport medicine physician in NY recommends planks for all his back pain patients. Basically you hold the yoga plank position for 1 minute. Rest and repeat for three sets of one minute each. Great for core. And if you have wrist issues you can do them on your elbows. Once you got this down you can rotate with side planks.

This is a pic from the internet of him demonstrating the plank...
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