seabulley:I didnt know that you couldnt salvage pots that where lost by other lobster men. You learn something new every day.
We're often diving down to free tangled traps from the wreck we fish off of; mostly it's when we screw up and put one of the longer lined traps too close to the wreckage and the tidal shifts wrap the line around wreckage; or other times we'll drop them right next to the wreck on friday afternoon since we know they'll be a hell of a lot more productive and we can dive down and get them on sunday.
A lot of times we'll pull others off the wreck that have been fouled. We'll just unfoul them and move them away from the wreck. other times when we find one that's been cut away, we'll haul it up, find one of his others and tie it to it with a note saying that we did it and give us a call if they need our help. I assume if they had a problem with us breaking the law by messing with their traps, they would have called us as well. But of course we haven't [although we have gotten a couple thank you calls].
Now salvaging a trap for your own, rather than trying to return it to it's rightful owner.... well, that's the intent of the law; and there it's a little sketchy. We'll go diving for lost traps a couple times a year; sometimes a line gets wrapped around another and people aren't as nice as we are... and cut our trap away and toss our line. other times the line might catch a prop and get cut away. We lose 2 or 3 a season out of the 20. This year we actually found a lost one... buoy and line still attached, about 300 yards off the wreck. We suspect it had gotten fouled at low tide, we couldn't find it because the buoy was under the water, and it eventually freed itself over winter. whatever, that was kinda cool

But yea, we know people have probably grabbed traps that we've lost before we've gotten in to find them; but that's the nature of the game, I doubt I'd press charges if it was just an innocent salvage. Now if someone cut our lines to take our traps... that's one hell of a different story....
... as is the whole point of this thread... cutting our zip ties to break into our traps.
And like I said in the story [I think, I've not re-read it since I made the whole thing up a few years back], I was happy I didn't confront him underwater when I saw the spear gun when he came out. Given the wreck is in 20 ft of water [I think I squirmed around underneath some steel wreckage and hit 22 ft once], I don't think cutting his hoses woulda done much