By the way, here's my run:
V-Planner 3.76 by Ross Hemingway,
VPM code by Erik C. Baker.
Decompression model: VPM - B
Surface interval = 5 day 0 hr 0 min.
Elevation = 0ft
Conservatism = + 2
Dec to 130ft (2) Trimix 16/40 50ft/min descent.
Level 130ft 47:24 (50) Trimix 16/40 0.77 ppO2, 57ft ead, 64ft end
Asc to 80ft (51) Trimix 16/40 -30ft/min ascent.
Stop at 80ft 1:20 (53) Trimix 16/40 0.54 ppO2, 30ft ead, 34ft end
Stop at 70ft 3:00 (56) Trimix 16/40 0.49 ppO2, 24ft ead, 28ft end
Stop at 60ft 5:00 (61) Trimix 16/40 0.44 ppO2, 18ft ead, 22ft end
Stop at 50ft 7:00 (68) Trimix 16/40 0.40 ppO2, 13ft ead, 16ft end
Stop at 40ft 11:00 (79) Trimix 16/40 0.35 ppO2, 7ft ead, 10ft end
Stop at 30ft 17:00 (96) Trimix 16/40 0.30 ppO2, 2ft ead, 4ft end
Stop at 20ft 142:00 (238) Trimix 16/40 0.25 ppO2, 0ft ead, 0ft end
Surface (238) Trimix 16/40 -30ft/min ascent.
Off gassing starts at 105ft
OTU's this dive: 30
CNS Total: 10.4%
424.7 cu ft Trimix 16/40
424.7 cu ft TOTAL
[I am almost afraid to calculate what 424cuft of hypoxic would cost]