I find it amazing...

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Ok all together now 1..2..3.. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!
:rofl: :lol: You gotta admit, it was cute tho.
Yes, they are very cute.

On Topic:

It is annoying when someone posts a question, you give them a good answer, and then only reply to their friends. However, cyberspace is not the place to look for personal affirmation. On the otherhand, karma's a B****!
Crikey. I go away and sleep for 8 hous and the group has grown by twice the size!
And I missed dogpiling pue...
It's just like a snowball, crashing downhill getting bigger and bigger. Next time don't go to bed. :D
It is annoying when someone posts a question, you give them a good answer, and then only reply to their friends.
i'm not answering that, i don't know you. :05: :D

i went to a residential public high school for science & math. it was totally nerd central - i mean, we had a mainframe before there were really desktops ('80's). we had a not-working-very-well scanning electron microscope. there was math beyond cal. there was *not* a football team. anyway, we had a cheer - 'that's all right, that's ok, you're gonna work for us someday!' hee hee hee...

i was the very social girl, can you tell?

(love ya, mel, your eccentricity is set off by your beauty.)
Nobody places "Kick-me" signs on the group creator!!!! I kick back!!! Dogpiles are perfectly legitimate!!!
YEA!! I knew I loved you for a reason!!
(I mean like brotherly love... not that other kind. You are married after all!)
Now that I'm cool, (and by cool I mean creating a thread that has more than three pages of responses that isn't a roll call) I'm feeling like I (somewhat) accomplished something here! I believe we have torn down the walls of a clique and made a place where (most) everyone is welcome! AWWWWWWWW! It brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it!!!

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