I find it amazing...

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Hehe, the thought had crossed my mind.
But my avatar was nowhere near risque or inappropriate, just suitably hot :D.
Anyway I changed it to something else, Avatar identity crisis over!

Let the thread march on...
What a shame....I was rather taking a liking to it...
Another Monday, another discussion about...... nothing.
Running out of nothing to talk about....

Suggestions....... anyone... anyone....

Bueller... Bueller

How about Favorite Monty Python skit and/or Movie?
That should raise alot of debate... I mean how do you pick JUST ONE?!?!
I LOVE the Holy Grail, definately my fav. But SKIT!!! SPAM?? Dead Parrot? Bureau of Silly Walks? Fish slap dance? Lumberjack? Too hard to pick just one....
I find it amazing that cliques can form on public forums. People get into their own little discussion groups, others may chime in, but aren't really "welcomed" additions to the discussion. Has anyone else noticed this?

Oh yeah, one more thing...don't be offended if my group doesn't respond to you (JUST KIDDING - LOL!).

yeah i notice it all the time, i guess people with the same interests stick together wheteher forum or not and by the way people post, its very easy to spot someone you could possibly get along with. this is especially true in the geo forums
ooh, love python. favorite will be hard, though. the 'sit on my face' song? it comes to mind. or i always liked 'confuse-a-cat'. or the flying french sheep. or the drag queen soldiers doing 'i'll scratch your eyes out' during the close-order drill. or the philosophers' song. love that.
Favorite MP song HAS to be "Every Sperm is Sacred"
Well, though I've been extremely busy at work lately, I see this thread is still alive and kicking! Wow, guys, what do you think? Are people who collect potatoe chips shaped like celebrities weird?
yes, and grilled cheese with the virgin mary's face, too. can you believe what that thing sold for? horrors!!
I'd be concerned if I found the Virgin Mary's face from something that came out of my frying pan!!!

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