I drank the koolaid!

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I'm in agreement about the fun diving. I'm not a fan of scooters on random boats just because they take up unnecessary space.

What's wrong with taking up unnecessary space? I wouldn't put a scooter in the captain's seat (or other necessary space), but if there's room on the deck that would otherwise be empty... dibs.
Lee Ann -

I for one am very jealous that you got your gear and are literally jumping in! You go girl! & kudos on getting Charles along for the ride.

As for the rest of the discussion here my title says my $0.02 worth! OMG people get over yourselves! :popcorn: I am not sure if is a testosterone thing or what, but drop the weight we are using BP! Who knew that all you have to do is put DIR in you thread post and the pundits come out from where ever their hiding places are. :idk:

The point is let's have fun and go diving!
I think it’s funny that so many people have opinions about training/equipment that they haven't personally experienced. How can one be an authority, or even form an educated opinion from limited passive sideline observations?

Thankyou ms Dee! You state my feelings EXACTLY.
Lee, congratulations on shiny new dive gear -- it's always fun, and you're going to love diving your new rigs.

And as you take the classes and learn the skills, you're going to enjoy better stability while picture-taking, and enjoy the fact that you can, as we did Sunday, take ten people into a small area and have EVERYBODY get to enjoy what's there, because the viz doesn't change. You're going to enjoy not worrying about where your buddy is, because he's where you think he is. You're going to enjoy feeling better at the end of your ascents, I suspect (most of us found that). All the things you're going to discover in the next little while will make your diving more fun, whether it's to look at reef fish in Bonaire or dive the oil rigs off LA, or take a cenote tour in Mexico. We all look for different things out of our diving, but having better skills doesn't make anybody's diving worse.

And you have a big and very supportive community to move into, which is lovely. Even if your husband is a little dubious, I think he'll find, over time, that he adopts more and more of the things you've learned -- at least it worked that way with mine. He certainly didn't do it to be "cool", or because he wanted to hang with the cool kids (he doesn't even like a lot of them). He did it because he saw how it worked.

Don't let anybody rain on your parade. You are about to have MORE FUN, and nobody ought to be criticizing that!

(Side to vladmir: That post was hysterically funny, especially since I think I've read every report of a GUE class that's ever been posted on the web -- and you summarized all of them!)

Congratulations ! Have fun with your new gear, your future class, and all.
Diving this way as a couple/family is very good.

Also congrat for your posts/threat, was really fun, especially the one from Vald below - :rofl3: :rofl3::rofl3: and the other from Phil was entertaining too !

I don't think it's official until you've written an account of your "Fundies" (not Fundamentals!) class, which should describe how humbled you were by the experience. This can usually be accomplished by stating that you "thought you were a solid diver" who is now convinced she has no clue or, for extra credit, may actually hang up her fins in disillusionment. It is de rigueur at this point to pay homage to your instructor's wisdom, patience, diving skills, and teaching ability. (Instructors are generally referred to by their initials only.) Some mention of "seeing the bar" and getting "hit by a bus" is also pretty standard, but not required. A few anecdotes describing, say, how your instructor summarily discarded a brass snap hook on your rig, how you sank five feet and lost "all SA" during an air share drill, and how all your fellow students were better than you would help nail down the humility nicely.

The account should also describe how tiring (not tiresome!) the weekend was. Exact logs of your sleep schedule are not required, but recommended. The long demanding (physically and mentally!) days should be emphasized, along with the sense of exhilaration that carried you through. Without explicitly stating it, you should convey a spiritual awakening commensurate with the revelation of a "holistic system." An anecdote regarding a shared breakfast at dawn can be worked in here to nice effect.

Ideally, one of your classmates would join the thread to bolster your account of the instructor's prowess and the demands of the class and dispute your assertion that you were totally incompetent (this would be a good opportunity for him to proclaim his total incompetence). The two of you should then make plans to do drills together for the next twenty weeks, either to get that "provisional" changed to a "pass," or to prepare for Tech 1.

You're not done yet though! The last step to making it official is to scour the Scubaboard assiduously until you come across a poster diving to 110' with an Al80 and, hopefully, riding his computer the whole way. This may call for a little patience. Once the quarrry is in sight, a lecture on rock-bottom, complete with calculations, should be launched into. You should express how appalled you are that he doesn't know this already.:shakehead: Trading virtual high-fives with your fellow fundied is encouraged.

Now it's official. If you can respond to a few inquiries about ratio deco with a derisive "Take the class!" that will help you take the next step.

Many of us were wearing doubles [...] No one I know dives doubles because it's "cool".

WTH ???? I dive doubles because it's cool ...... or at least because it looks like I'm 10-15years younger - :rofl3:

Isn't someone supposed to be out of town and without access to internet ???

Sorry for raining on anyone's parade. That wasn't my plan. For several years I dived with GUE students and practiced drills on every dive. After awhile it became more of a chore than practice. It was the same as when I worked as a DM. After a couple of years I realized how much I missed diving to see the marine life rather than to perfect trim and buoyancy. I have nothing against DIR, I just don't understand the desire to dive if it isn't to view marine life or wrecks.
There is no DIR "rule" that you have to do some formal practice / drills on every dive. I'd be surprised if I did 12 such dives a year (<10%). When I commit dedicated time to working on skills, it's because I need to. The very best "practice" is usually just going diving. EVERY local "DIR" diver I know seems to have the same approach. We dive for FUN (for some that's marine life, for others wrecks, a few caves, gasp, some even like to just scooter around on occasion).

Sounds like you just stuck yourself with a group that didn't fit your interests. Hardly DIR's fault. :wink:
There is no DIR "rule" that you have to do some formal practice / drills on every dive. I'd be surprised if I did 12 such dives a year (<10%). When I commit dedicated time to working on skills, it's because I need to. The very best "practice" is usually just going diving. EVERY local "DIR" diver I know seems to have the same approach. We did for FUN (for some that's marine life, for others wrecks, a few caves, gasp, some even like to just scooter around on occasion).

Sounds like you just stuck yourself with a group that didn't fit your interests. Hardly DIR's fault. :wink:

wow wow wow, you're telling that when a tech1 is chasing another tech1 to clip an SMB on his crotch strap, this is not DIR intensive drill practice ???
confused confused :confused:

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