I chose Boniare, but now getting a little sceptical

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Well I have been getting so many replies for my Question and I appreciate it so much but, this week I see a lot of negativity about Bonaire. SO maybe I should just cut right down to the Real stuff.

Some one please compare this to Grand Cayman, That was my first dive and I loved it. I have been told that I am spoiled now and I will always have to do something like it or even better. So what is Bonaire going to be to me?
I love diving and I have never done this with just another person, I have always done boat dives with Groups and for me to be without that what will I get? I love the Sun and love to sunbathe, I can be a little Tomboy at time but I usually pass of as a little blonde that is curious, energetic, hyper, and love water. I do not want this to be a dissapointment. P.S I'll be fine if I don't see any big scary fish and SHARKS!!!!!!!!!

I am really not bother by So little to do, I know that I can be tired after my dives and will want to rest , but I don't want to be worried about theifs, and ripp-offs. Granted this happens every where, I still want it to the best of everthing there. I am a picky picky eater and can't eat seafood. It has never bothered me on any trip when evey one get a fish plat and I have to get fries, or nachos, pizza, you know! but again will I be dissapointed.

Another thought we will be flying delta and with their codeshare partners Air Jam. are we going to have any difficulties with that situation.

Last, I don't want to be looking over my shoulder every where I go. So please help me. We have free passes for airfare anywhere Delta would fly and we want it to be the best of Fun for what it's worth. Is there any other place we would enjoy more like island wise or what? (Like the Turk, St. John U.S. Virgin Islands,Where Where Where???) Remind you I am 26 and he is 28 we aren't party pary party, but we do like having some fun! :confused:

If you're worried about don't go. Pick another place.
I was suprised to hear that O-ring was not happy with the meal choices on Bonaire. I've been there twice (June 2001, and Mar. 2002) and was impressed with the good food/restaurants.

I didn't have any trouble with theft, but I didn't do much shore diving, except for far from town. I didn't have any trouble with theft. The best resort for prevention of theft is probably the Plaza... Gated, with a guard. And it's pretty far from the gate to the rooms. We stayed at the divi, and they have roaming security 24 hrs a day.

Didn't have any trouble with others trying to rip us off. Hmmm... maybe they just had a bad week. I've spent a month there in my 2 trips. My wife is allergic to seafood, and she usually had chicken or steak and liked it at most places.

There are no big fish (well.... big fish can go where they want, so it is possible, but not likely).

We are definitely going back, especially since my wife was not diving at the time, and 'needs to dive there'.

I'd still recommend it. Just make sure to leave nothing in a rental car and leave the windows down.

Also, they just arrested somebody during the last week that was ripping off cars. Maybe that will slow it down some. I think people go with the expecation that Bonaire is paradise, and they wonder why stuff gets ripped off when they leave it out.... Just follow the same common sense rules as if you were home. I wouldn't park in my town with a laptop on the front seat of my car, and I wouldn't do it in Bonaire either.
Natasha, I got you reply and I was a just about to complement your website and then you sent me nothing on any questions. I really thought I could get the most info from you since you seem to be very intelligent about you picks.

Don't tell me if you didn't have free passes to go anywhere Delta flys you wouldn't want to make sure of everything!

I have been keeping note of all the place you reccommend so now with that all is said, could you say something a little more to my questions.


Where ever you end up, I hope you have a blast.

"we want it to be the best of Fun"

"I am a picky picky eater and can't eat seafood."

These two statements don't go well together. I was once a picky eater and rarely enjoyed exotic locations. Now I'll eat just about anything that doesn't give me an allergic reaction. I find I eat things, from time to time, that I don't like much. I also find I discover wonderful foods much more often. I have lots more fun now than before.

"please compare this to Grand Cayman"

Grand Cayman is one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen underwater. OTOH, it's been 15 years since I was last there, and I've heard (second hand - I don't know from personal experience) the coral has suffered in the meantime, so that is not as nice as it once was. Diving in Bonaire today does not compare well to the diving in Cayman 15 years ago. I don't know how it compares to Cayman today. Klein Bonaire, OTOH, compares favorably with Cayman of 15 years ago. Bonaire is an excellent choice for diving.

"I do not want this to be a dissapointment."

Expectations are what causes disappointments. Expect less and you'll be happier. If I expect greatness and find something very good, I'll be disappointed. If I expect something good and find something very good, I'll be quite happy. I had a grand time in Bonaire. Was it the best diving ever? No. It was excellent diving and it was unlimited (a big plus in my book).

I recommend you try to experience the culture of where ever you decide to go. Experience life and enjoy what ever you find. Have fun on your trip.
I think that Natasha's advice was well-meaning & to the point.

The level of concern that you have expressed is so extreme as to make one wonder if the selection of any venue within the greater Caribbean would leave you feeling comfortable. And you can definitely omit more far-flung places, like Papua New Guinea & Burma, from your dive list for the time being.

That having been said:

1. "Some one please compare this to Grand Cayman."

GC is entirely different than Bonaire. GC is shamefully developed, while Bonaire is rather undeveloped. GC is largely boat diving, while Bonaire is largely, albeit not exclusively, shore diving. Beaches on Bonaire are better than on GC, and costs, on average, are less. Serious crime on GC has surged over the last couple of years, while on Bonaire it mostly remains irksome crimes of opportunity.

2. "P.S I'll be fine if I don't see any big scary fish and SHARKS!!!!!!!!!"

Not to worry, as Bonaire is not known for these.

3. "...but I don't want to be worried about theifs, and rip-offs."

Rip offs are rare, but thefts from vehicles are sadly common. The solution is not to lock your vehicle, and not to have anything in worth stealing. Take out full insurance on it.

You do not, however, need to worry about your personal safety.

And, as you say, petty crime happens everywhere, and this is true of much of the greater Caribbean, including several of the Virgin Islands, although the Turks & Caicos are, to date, largely free of it.

4. "I am a picky picky eater and can't eat seafood. It has never bothered me on any trip when evey one get a fish plat and I have to get fries, or nachos, pizza, you know! but again will I be dissapointed."

This is definitely not a worry. There a number of excellent restaurants in town, and there is much food not involving seafood. Even good vegetarian cuisine.

I supect that if you go, you'll have a very fine time.

Best regards.

Hi, marisa-t,

I am not a real fan of Grand Cayman because:

(1) It is really an over-developed tourist port now,
(2) The reefs where most of the dive shops are are overdived and dying compared to much of the rest of the Carib.
(3) Little Cayman and Cayman Brac are the places to go, if you are headed to the Caymans--much superior diving!

Bonaire is quite the opposite, but you really should be going with a buddy and be doing the shore dives. The boat dives are fine, but the shore dives are what Bonaire is all about. If you like hamburgers, ribs, etc., you will have no trouble keeping a full tummy on Bonaire! Bonaire is simply one of the best dive locals in the whole Carib!

Hope this helps a little,

Hi. Thanks for looking at my web site. As you can see from the pictures under the last Bonaire trip, 24 people went, and came back happy.
But if the recently posted thread makes you uncomfortable, I would not try to change your mind.

Vacations are supposed to be fun and relaxing.
If you're stressed at all about where to go, doesn't seem like that would be much fun.
If you want to talk to me on the phone that is fine.
I give out free advice here, and on the phone all the time.
You can call my office during business hours. 708-957-8616.
marisa-t once bubbled...
I have been told that I am spoiled now and I will always have to do something like it or even better.

I'm sorry, but your post has astonished me a bit...
I mean, come on, I've never been to Bonaire, but even though it is an exotic place, it looks nice and easy, as far as I read on this forum !!

I mean, geez, what do you think travelling is all about ? You're 26 ! And you're asking if some place in the Caribbean is suitable for you ?? :confused:
I don't want to appear mean (I sincerely beg your pardon if I do) but you do sound a little spoiled...... Just think about the beauty of a tiny bit of adventure ! My first dive was in the Togians, one of the most beautiful u/w marine life you can get (dugeons, dolphins, Napoleons, sharks, barracudas, 50 M viz etc) BUT a place with no electricity, no drinkable tap water, no toilets...
And I still enjoy diving in France (milk bottles, one lobster every 25 dives, etc)... where there is water, electricity and toilets :D

Just take it easy !
Have a nice trip there, I hope to have news from you as soon as you return from the trip.


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