Sweet! It is nice to have a place with 3 scooter garage.
Kater seems have staked out his place with all of his toys.
Glad you are settling in.
Kater loves his house, n as long as I keep it up, he'll let me live here too
Not just a 3 scooter garage, but
a 3 scooter, 4 rebreather, 10x 300bar 50l of He Ar n o2, 53 other tanks, compressor n 750Kg of Sorb garage with its own AC.
The only tools I'm missing are a lath, milling machine, a TIG welding setup n the usual garden tools (I've never had a garden before). Before I get started fixing up the garage, I have to build the following furniture:
2 Coffee tables, 3 chests of drawers for the bedrooms, 2 small cabinets for the TV n Stereo, cabinet for the laserprinter n supplies and 3 diningroom cabinets, all of stained Mexican Pine like my nighttables.
Still gotta find a CD/DVD/BluRay rack too before I can start making a toolrack backframe that is almost 8' long, hang up an 8' long clothes hanger and make a freestanding frame for all the partsboxes which will make the garage much better organized.
I promised myself that I would start and go diving in July, hopefully with The Chairman, since if I wait untill everything is set up to my satisfaction I won't get in any diving this year