Actually 10 helpers showed up on Friday the 12th to help unload the container. 90 minutes later the truck driver was able to leave. Chili, Cheeseburgers, n every softdrink imagineable was provided and nobody went home either hungry or thirsty. 5.5 metric tons later and appearanty NOTHING was damaged.
Put up a workbench along the wall, 2 portable workbenches, lots of shelving, lighting, scooter cabinet, and a Lowes 1M wide cabinet (that is unfortunately a piece of junk). An 8.5 foot clothing rod will eventually get hung from the cieling, and I'll mount 8 or 10 48' LED lights. Living room, diningroom and all 3 bedrooms need me to make the furniture kits I bought in Germany, which will take around a month, longer if Kater disagrees with where I want to put it.

TV that I ordered from Amazon on the 26th of May finally showed up on the 17th of June. The 7.1 soundsystem will also take weeks to propery install and mount the 22 speakers and subwoofer.
Cat and I are quite happy here, but I really can't say when I'll finally be done. Just raked up 70 bags of oak leaves from the front yard and 4 bottles of Gateraid later the dumptruck crew was very happy and helpfull, that they didn't vaccum the area where the bags were lying suprised me - they were so gung-ho

Today new Novak tritium sights, wilson grip screws (too long), and a 30LPI checkering file showed up. Boresighted the upper using a laser boresighter and will sight the Colt Defender in tomorrow, also checking feeding with lead SWC ammo.
As soon as I figure out how to download pictures from my new phone I'll add them.