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It's called "Forced Ignore". Neither of you seem to play well together, so neither of you can see each other's posts.

It is what it is.

This is a friendly forum based on mutual respect. While the Moderators will do their best to keep it that way, it's impossible for us to review every post. If any post seems to violate the spirit of this concept, please use the
Bad Post button at the bottom of the post to notify us. All posts are the opinions of their respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of ScubaBoard. We are not responsible for posts' content, authenticity or accuracy.

No post should exceed a "PG" rating. Profane, racial, insulting or mean spirited language is simply not allowed here and this includes any sort of harassment or cyber bullying. Threats of any sort are grounds for immediate permanent suspension; there is never a reason to resort to personal attacks. If you feel that you have been attacked, please do not retaliate; instead use the
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Oh sweet sweet drama!! The nectar of the gods! For a second, I thought Thursday was going to be slow.
It is what it is.

It is what you wish it to be.

I don't see where pointing out that a divers knowledge is provided by Google and not by actually diving is a TOS violation.

Plus, I am not the only one that see's or comments about this, but you selected an individual to imposed a rule and censor their view of what is going on in Scubaboard. (ie Me)

So...Your actions doesn't seem to follow your rules.

So I ask why.
I don't always agree with Jeff, but I have yet to see any post by nereas that is not either factually incorrect, dangerous, or just plain stupid. The more people who are available to monitor and correct N's numerous bad posts the safer this board will be.
I don't always agree with Jeff, but I have yet to see any post by nereas that is not either factually incorrect, dangerous, or just plain stupid. The more people who are available to monitor and correct N's numerous bad posts the safer this board will be.

His MO is kinda funny though.

If you call him on something, he ignores you.

But aside from the specific individual issue here is the larger issue of Individual Censorship when no "rules" have been broken***.

***Note: I could see where an "Agree to disagree" situation could arise here. Where someone might see "harassment or cyber bullying", others might see as simple disagreements.
then again, there is the entertainment factor being ignored here. :D
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