OK, now I've made a total of four dives with this great new mask and I'm really digging it. Today I dove Molokini Crater off of Maui, down to about 100 feet. Water visibility was 150 feet, each direction. I say that because you can see both left and right out of this mask at the same time and it was like having three hundred feet of vis!!! I was really happy (celebrated my 2200th Maui Dive with this mask today too!) and to top things off, got a fly by from a 14 foot Black Manta being followed by almost a dozen gray reef sharks. It was so cool to see this awesome sight through this mask. Especially after making my last 2000+ dives without it!
I tried a lot of things with the mask today and it performs well. I could look over my shoulder to the right and see my divers following me, then I looked over the left shoulder and I could see both of them there too. I can't tell you how great it is to have such a huge increase in peripheral vison. I could just about see my first stage right behind my head when I turned to the right!!
I will be offering tours and lessons on how to acclimate to this mask starting next month (November). If anyone wants to hear more about it, please feel free to PM me. I showed a couple of salty dive guides the mask while I was out on the boat and let them swim around with it. They needed the contacts but didn't have them, so when they looked through, things were blurry but they were amazed at the side to side and top to bottom viewing and are actually now asking me how to get in touch with my eye doctor. I think this mask and the new ones they are working on at Hydro-Optix are going to be HUGE. Now, along with your spare parts kit, don't forget the extra contacts and cleaning solution. This is a "must have" if you really want to see what it's really like to be a fish.